Wednesday, April 28, 2004

I'm done 2nd year! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..... = D Now that I've gotten that outta my system, I can finally rest in peace. Lol (not in the morbid sense tho =)

Yay, I get to chill with my sis, who's coming into London for the night. Soo much I want to blab to her about, and I just might talk her ears off. It's hard to believe she can stand me all these years, first annoying her as the younger, bratty sister, and now I just bombard her with all my life's big and little problems. Karen's my personal psychiatrist, who REALLY listens. =D What would I do without her help?

Btw, HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESSE!! =D *hug* Hope you've had an awesome day, and a wonderful dinner at Anita's. hehhee. Sorry I couldn't see you today, but I WILL visit when I get back to London for intersession. BEst of luck on your exams!

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

I'm soo exhausted. But it's the norm here, cuz it's nearing the end of finals.....I'll probably be hibernating for a few days to recoup once I'm back in T.O. mmmm.....glorious sleep. = )
My back and shoulders are really starting to bug me....very tense, and losing its mobility. Thankfully, I'll be getting a new bed more flimsey cot for me. = D
My food and nutrition exam went okay this very long tho. 125 MC!!! By the time I was at question 50, I didn't really want to go on. But I'm 4 down, with one to go! And it's an easy one...*whew*'s a cold, and windy day today. Aiya. Flurries too. I was tempted to pull out my winter jacket.
Trying to clear out the fridge and finish all the perishable food. I have no idea why we still have so many loaves of bread, and juice cartons left. Anyone want a sandwich?

Saturday, April 24, 2004

Finals are such a good time to see and spend time with your friends. (Shrin, I know it's very different for you at home; that's why you're coming to Western baby!). heheehhe. "Starsky and Hutch" was hilarious! Wings night with hockey pool ppl and others was yummy. "The Shining" with Theresa, Conball, and Vicks wasn't scary at heheh. Apparently my roomie rented the t.v. movie remake of it. We had a house dinner last night at Spageddy Eddy's. And man! they're known for their obscenely big portions of coming soon. Very very yummy.
So as you can see, I didn't do much studying, even with an ethics exam. It's funny, cuz during the final, I had so much more to write about for theories I didn't know well.
But now I must catch up on 20 nutrition article readings before I can study for it. Five days left till SUMMER!!!! Eeeeee........

Monday, April 19, 2004

Business is finally over, intense final on Sat. Four hrs passed by way too quickly, and I couldn't properly analyze all my alternatives, but oh well. I'm gonna miss this class...such a nice change from boring old health sci courses, and lab courses. It may have awaken the hidden, wannabe entrepeneur in me. =P

Yesterday was certainly a day of rest. Did no work in the morning (plus grad lunch), then off to Masonville to shop and watch "The Ladykillers" (very odd movie....perhaps Hellboy would have been a better choice!), then grabbed pizza and went to Cho's to watch the game. = ) Fun and relaxing day. Finals are a great, b/c none of us could afford this time with regular classes and all.
I secretly think that the Leafs lost this on purpose, in order to see Game 7......hmph. Well, the Avs on the other hand are rockin!
Ten days left till summer break arrives......lalalalala......getting excited about seeing my new house, as my family prepares to move without me. Still deciding on a new wall colour for my bedroom.

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Who knew spelling counts for a microbio final? Still kicking myself over picking the wrong rubella for German measles (I picked rubeola, which is a measles, just not German). Darn. But all in all, this course was my favourite, and most enjoyable. Perhaps I should have gone into Science and picked Bio as my major.
Our internet was finally fixed by Shaggy last night. Thank you, AGAIN! He must have the Midas touch or something, cuz I've tried everything he does, the only difference is that it works when he does it. hahha....
There's so many movies I want to watch during these finals....I might bring my roomies to see "The Passion of the Christ" tonight. Then there's "The Shining" with the girls, "Dumb and Dumber" (I think I know every line, but I still want to see it!), and "Starsky and Hutch" which is playing at Western Film.

Two nights ago, wenders and I blew up a hundred balloons to fill Ophie's room (4 her b-day). Very fun surprise....after, we enjoyed a chocolate fondue dessert with fruits, while listening to William Hung's new cd "Inspiration". oh man, that dude killed "I believe I can fly", and "hotel California" for's funny yet sad.

BTW, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY CORA!!!!!! never told me! But I hope you had a wonderful time yesterday at dinner and whatnot. I will make it up to you........hehhee.

Sunday, April 11, 2004

Luke 24:46-49
He told them, "This is what is written: The Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. You are the witness of these things. I am going to send you what my Father has promised;"

Hallejulah! Jesus Christ has risen and is seated at the right hand of God.
I had the chance to celebrate Easter this season at two churches. One is my home church TJCAC on Friday, and LCAC on Sunday. It was wonderful to see my newly baptized sisters.

It feels like I've done so much this weekend. Although, none of that includes academics. I spent all of Friday at church, cuz after the morning service, we had lunch there. Then a workshop for Sunday School teachers. Actually, it wasn't so much a workshop, as a scrapping of the old Sunday School method, and moving on to the teaching method of the very successful and effective Willowcreek Church in Chicago. They have this amazing program for their children called Promiseland. We watched some of their videos and testimonies, and I am convinced that our church can also adopt a similar style in teaching. It's soo cool and exciting!
At Aletheia on Fri. night. We had a Passover dinner. Our fellowship hall was decorated to an ancient Egyptian theme, and we enjoyed a simple Jewish meal (with roasted lamb and unleavened bread), with the drama team doing the reenactment of the First Passover with Moses. People put so much effort into making the night work, and it's just amazing to see all these teens and university students serving the Lord together with such a passion!

Saturday was family day. Had lunch with my family at a yummy Chinese cafe. mmmm....I miss T.O. food. Then we went to our new house to check out the basement (being renovated), and made a list of all the stuff we needed to get. We drove everywhere to run errands and shop. Pretty tiring, but satisfying too.
Sunny drove me in Sat. night, which was nice. My cousin and I can actually be serious around each other. Who knew?

After service today, Cho, Jesse and I sat at the piano and played/sang hymns to our hearts content. Hymns are so beautiful and pure. It was a cool worship, as Jesse also led us to singing the Scripture.

Ah, now it's finally time to study. No more stalling for time Doreen! You've ate, napped, talked to Wenders, checked email, and ate some more. Yes, I talk to myself sometimes.

Oh, I almost forgot. Theresaaaaa.....I have a surprise for you! Something along the lines of a show we missed last week that I was supposed to tape, but forgot to.....hehehhe.

Monday, April 05, 2004

I can't believe it's the last week of school. Feeling many mixed emotions...I guess I do enjoy school, but can't seem to rationalize why. I mean, why would I enjoy piles of work, lack of sleep, and high-stress exam periods? It's a mystery. Maybe it's the people, cause being around my friends, and sharing in this whole university experience together makes it tolerable and more worthwhile. Being a student has it's perks too. =P

Back to winter jacket time....brrrr, it's frigid out there! Do not be fooled by the bright, shining sun.

Two more days till I get to enjoy chocolate again. To be honest, after the first 10 days, it became pretty easy. So I'm not a chocoholic after all.

Thanks for the 'talk' got my back, and I've got yours.

Hmmm, it's my parents' 27th anniversary this Easter weekend....and I don't know what to do, or get them. Any gift ideas? I'm always the one to plan and buy for special occasions for the family, my sisters aren't good with remembering dates, or coming up with gift ideas.
I know my mom would really appreciate me giving my cats a shower. lol.

Saturday, April 03, 2004

This past Friday was the ACF year-end banquet. It was a wonderful evening of worship, fellowship, sharing, and commemoration of our many grads. Our Heavenly Father has blessed us so much this year, and it was so great to see the work of His hand through so many lives.
Jesse, I loved your rendition of "Blessed Be Your Name" for the grads. Very sweet and funny!
I'm gonna miss you grads so much, I know the Lord will continue to bless and keep each one of you as you abide in Him. I love you guys!

My small group this year. We've really grown and bonded well together, praise the Lord!

Women's cell group-The Lord has blessed and revealed to me so much thru these sisters.