Wednesday, April 28, 2004

I'm done 2nd year! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..... = D Now that I've gotten that outta my system, I can finally rest in peace. Lol (not in the morbid sense tho =)

Yay, I get to chill with my sis, who's coming into London for the night. Soo much I want to blab to her about, and I just might talk her ears off. It's hard to believe she can stand me all these years, first annoying her as the younger, bratty sister, and now I just bombard her with all my life's big and little problems. Karen's my personal psychiatrist, who REALLY listens. =D What would I do without her help?

Btw, HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESSE!! =D *hug* Hope you've had an awesome day, and a wonderful dinner at Anita's. hehhee. Sorry I couldn't see you today, but I WILL visit when I get back to London for intersession. BEst of luck on your exams!