Sunday, April 11, 2004

Luke 24:46-49
He told them, "This is what is written: The Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. You are the witness of these things. I am going to send you what my Father has promised;"

Hallejulah! Jesus Christ has risen and is seated at the right hand of God.
I had the chance to celebrate Easter this season at two churches. One is my home church TJCAC on Friday, and LCAC on Sunday. It was wonderful to see my newly baptized sisters.

It feels like I've done so much this weekend. Although, none of that includes academics. I spent all of Friday at church, cuz after the morning service, we had lunch there. Then a workshop for Sunday School teachers. Actually, it wasn't so much a workshop, as a scrapping of the old Sunday School method, and moving on to the teaching method of the very successful and effective Willowcreek Church in Chicago. They have this amazing program for their children called Promiseland. We watched some of their videos and testimonies, and I am convinced that our church can also adopt a similar style in teaching. It's soo cool and exciting!
At Aletheia on Fri. night. We had a Passover dinner. Our fellowship hall was decorated to an ancient Egyptian theme, and we enjoyed a simple Jewish meal (with roasted lamb and unleavened bread), with the drama team doing the reenactment of the First Passover with Moses. People put so much effort into making the night work, and it's just amazing to see all these teens and university students serving the Lord together with such a passion!

Saturday was family day. Had lunch with my family at a yummy Chinese cafe. mmmm....I miss T.O. food. Then we went to our new house to check out the basement (being renovated), and made a list of all the stuff we needed to get. We drove everywhere to run errands and shop. Pretty tiring, but satisfying too.
Sunny drove me in Sat. night, which was nice. My cousin and I can actually be serious around each other. Who knew?

After service today, Cho, Jesse and I sat at the piano and played/sang hymns to our hearts content. Hymns are so beautiful and pure. It was a cool worship, as Jesse also led us to singing the Scripture.

Ah, now it's finally time to study. No more stalling for time Doreen! You've ate, napped, talked to Wenders, checked email, and ate some more. Yes, I talk to myself sometimes.

Oh, I almost forgot. Theresaaaaa.....I have a surprise for you! Something along the lines of a show we missed last week that I was supposed to tape, but forgot to.....hehehhe.