Saturday, April 24, 2004

Finals are such a good time to see and spend time with your friends. (Shrin, I know it's very different for you at home; that's why you're coming to Western baby!). heheehhe. "Starsky and Hutch" was hilarious! Wings night with hockey pool ppl and others was yummy. "The Shining" with Theresa, Conball, and Vicks wasn't scary at heheh. Apparently my roomie rented the t.v. movie remake of it. We had a house dinner last night at Spageddy Eddy's. And man! they're known for their obscenely big portions of coming soon. Very very yummy.
So as you can see, I didn't do much studying, even with an ethics exam. It's funny, cuz during the final, I had so much more to write about for theories I didn't know well.
But now I must catch up on 20 nutrition article readings before I can study for it. Five days left till SUMMER!!!! Eeeeee........