Monday, March 29, 2004 feels so good to be free of deadlines, projects, essays, and time constraints. School is winding down nicely. I've had a lovely week, of catching up with friends, spending time with my housemates, cooking, shopping etc. This is the kind of break I need before finals. I have time to just sit and ponder issues... although that can be a con as well. If I overanalyze too much, I'd make little things seem that much bigger/important, when it's not. I hope to use some of this free time to seek and wait upon the Lord as well.

The ACF girls sleepover was fun.....tho very tired afterwards. And the pranks done by the boys did put a damper onto the mood. Thanks to Karyn and Cynthia for showing us their love and hospitality!

Went to Swiss Chalet after church on Sunday with a large group of LCAC ppl. Good times, nice to spend time with them all at once.
Then played softball, I am rusty....or perhaps this is how I always play. hehhe. Need some major batting and fielding practice! I throw like a girl. = P I hope that Jaffray recieved enough support to start our own senior CCSA team this year.

My poor printer bled last night. The new refilled ink cartridge from Masonville; leaked all the ink out. I found out only yesterday. As I printed notes for class, pools of ink came out on the page. I look at the cartridge, and it's almost empty! I lifted my printer up, and the ink dripped all out. Very messy. Must go back to the mall today to get a refund. Kinda reminded me of 'Penguin', from Batman Returns....hehhe, cuz he's got black blood.

Monday, March 22, 2004

Had a fun week, and a splentacular weekend back at home...heheh (yes, I like to make up words). Thanks to the froshie girls and women's cell for giving me a belated birthday surprise! Very unexpected, but very enjoyable too!

Theresa, you're in luck cuz I have last week's Survivor on tape....tho it was very sad to see Ethan go. *sniff* We'll have some grief couselling later this week.

Aletheia fellowship was pretty successful on Friday. Lots of ppl came, so we had 5 groups for the digital scavenger hunt. I think everyone had fun. = ) The highlight of my group was that we went into the firestation, and got to take a picture with a real fireman and his truck. Hehhe, I think they can get kinda bored being on call at the station the whole night.

On Saturday, I went to see my fav. team (the AVS) play the Leafs at ACC!! It was an AWESOME experience!!! the crowds were crazy, but so was was okay that the leafs beat them 5-2 because I didn't really want any more anger or avs bashing directed at me. The good ol' hockey game, is the best game you can name, the best game you can name, is the good ol' hockey, this is the sing-along-song right before third period.

After church on Sunday, I had dim sum with my family and relatives, then I headed back to London with Ev and Em....good to see them again, and have time to catch up. = ) Sunday evening was the LCAC SS teacher's dinner. Pretty fun, these adults really like fun. Lots of laughs.

Now I am writing furiously, trying to finish my 8 pg narrative essay due tomorrow. Hhehe, sure I can say that I brought this on myself for not starting it earlier, but I would've regret not attending anyone of this week's events! laces in!

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Well, I'm finally done one of my major essays. Human cloning is now behind me....thanks to my sis, lil, and shirley who edited for me. *hug*

Today's ethics class has put a damper on my mood. Besides the usual school fatigue, I'm feeling disturbed from the video we watched in class about Dr. Jack Kevorkian (US doctor who has assisted 55 suicides). I don't know how to put it into words, just that it's scary, watching the videos of his patients detailing how they want out of this life (for whatever physical, mental suffering they're experiencing), and the way the suicide machine works (lethal injection). There is just so much pain, anxiety, suffering, hopelessness in these people who don't know God. And having been 'helped' by Kevorkian in realizing that the function of death is a right they can choose to control. *sigh* my heart is sad.

Sunday, March 14, 2004

Very interesting week. With some definite ups and downs. But through it all, the Lord is always here, picking up the pieces of the mess we leave behind. How loving, wonderful and gracious is He!
I've learned my lesson. There should always be a limit to what can and cannot be said and done to your friends even in the name of 'fun'. Some people just don't find certain things funny, and will take offence instead. One must be extremely careful when behaving in such a manner between guy/girl friendships. So my sis is right. I and everyone involved need to take responsibility. You are wrong if you think what you did was completely right. Thank the Lord that His grace is sufficient and that we can forgive one another.

We had a fun small group night on Friday....mmmm, soo much food for hot pot! Had to chance to share and enjoy one another's fellowship. Played monopoly too. But I lost, it's because I wasn't the dog! I swear that's the only piece that I can use in this game. Since I wasn't the dog this game, the only property I was able to legitimately buy was Mediterranean Ave! How sad. = P

Went to Birch Run outlets on Sat. with a whole bunch of ACFers. Lots of fun shopping, chatting, playing, bonding, eating together. Even when one of the cars broke down on the way home, we still had good times playing and sharing while we waited for the CAA. I am very happy with my 'careful' I was able to purchase 2 pairs of shoes, a sweater, a hat, a t-shirt, and lotion from Bath and Body Works all for under $40! yay!

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

This week has been long and stressful. I know that this is a test, and that the Lord wants to bring me through this a better, more loving Christian. But it is so hard! It's almost impossible to love those that are soo difficult to work with, irresponsible, unreliable, and tardy. This is my food+nut group. I'm seemingly the only one who cares enough to get work done on time, show up to meetings, and initiate open communication. Our presentation is tomorrow, and I also have to write for this group a 10 pg written report. My patience is wearing thin...arrrrrrggggh!
With my biz group, they've been such a blessing, but now my food group, they're more of a detriment. *sigh* It'll all be over soon.
Got a funny, but kinda gross surprise from the boys last night. I guess that was the highlight of my not so pleasant day.

Let's end on a encouraging note: I forget the specific chapter and verse in Philippians, but this verse is popping up in my head in times of need.

"I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength."

Thursday, March 04, 2004

It's been an interesting day today. I realized that for the past two microbiology classes, my prof has been talking about diseases and illnesses of the G-tract. What's funny is, that he always goes back to the symptoms, like explosive diarrhea, amoebic dysentery, and all the 'abnormal' stools (bleedings etc) one can have with a certain pathogen. Part of me wants to laugh, and giggle immaturely, the other side of me sees these pains, and is filled with compassion for the infortunate being who has to suffer like that. Every time I hear that, it's like an internal struggle as to how I should respond appropriately. hehhe. Maybe I'm the only one who feels this way, and maybe I still have a lot of growing up to do.

I got my blood cholesterol tested at the school's healthy lifestyles fair. And my blood cholesterol faired great! it was so low, it didn't even register at the starting point of 4.2... hehhe, now feeling a sense of freedom to eat lots more of what I want. =)

Monday, March 01, 2004

I saw "Passion of the Christ" on Saturday, and it was so powerfully moving. Mel Gibson is a great filmmaker. There were little parts that left me wondering, like what was the symbolic meaning behind the scary child the Devil was holding? And what message was Mary trying to convey to the audience when she stared at the camera for a good 20 sec. in one frame? I was most stirred when Jesus was flogged, and when he was nailed to the cross, because I knew that I (and everyone else) was the reason he had to suffer and lay down His life for. It wasn't the soldiers, the Pharisees, or Pontius Pilate's fault, but plain old sinful me. He died for us while we were yet in sin.

Pics from my reading week:

hottie pottie night with church friends = )

free ice-cream at club, karen, nate, carol

february bday kbbq dinner: justin, me and eldon...we were so estactic!

mdhs friends: phoebe, ophelia, kim and I