Monday, March 22, 2004

Had a fun week, and a splentacular weekend back at home...heheh (yes, I like to make up words). Thanks to the froshie girls and women's cell for giving me a belated birthday surprise! Very unexpected, but very enjoyable too!

Theresa, you're in luck cuz I have last week's Survivor on tape....tho it was very sad to see Ethan go. *sniff* We'll have some grief couselling later this week.

Aletheia fellowship was pretty successful on Friday. Lots of ppl came, so we had 5 groups for the digital scavenger hunt. I think everyone had fun. = ) The highlight of my group was that we went into the firestation, and got to take a picture with a real fireman and his truck. Hehhe, I think they can get kinda bored being on call at the station the whole night.

On Saturday, I went to see my fav. team (the AVS) play the Leafs at ACC!! It was an AWESOME experience!!! the crowds were crazy, but so was was okay that the leafs beat them 5-2 because I didn't really want any more anger or avs bashing directed at me. The good ol' hockey game, is the best game you can name, the best game you can name, is the good ol' hockey, this is the sing-along-song right before third period.

After church on Sunday, I had dim sum with my family and relatives, then I headed back to London with Ev and Em....good to see them again, and have time to catch up. = ) Sunday evening was the LCAC SS teacher's dinner. Pretty fun, these adults really like fun. Lots of laughs.

Now I am writing furiously, trying to finish my 8 pg narrative essay due tomorrow. Hhehe, sure I can say that I brought this on myself for not starting it earlier, but I would've regret not attending anyone of this week's events! laces in!