Thursday, March 04, 2004

It's been an interesting day today. I realized that for the past two microbiology classes, my prof has been talking about diseases and illnesses of the G-tract. What's funny is, that he always goes back to the symptoms, like explosive diarrhea, amoebic dysentery, and all the 'abnormal' stools (bleedings etc) one can have with a certain pathogen. Part of me wants to laugh, and giggle immaturely, the other side of me sees these pains, and is filled with compassion for the infortunate being who has to suffer like that. Every time I hear that, it's like an internal struggle as to how I should respond appropriately. hehhe. Maybe I'm the only one who feels this way, and maybe I still have a lot of growing up to do.

I got my blood cholesterol tested at the school's healthy lifestyles fair. And my blood cholesterol faired great! it was so low, it didn't even register at the starting point of 4.2... hehhe, now feeling a sense of freedom to eat lots more of what I want. =)