Monday, June 28, 2004

Has it been a week since I last blogged? :P It's been a great week, as my aunt's family down from Conn. came to visit. Boy, my little cousins are really growing up. *sniff* I remember back in the day when I used to change their diapers. lol. Also met my second cousin's baby my 'bew' niece? Ahhhh, I'm an aunt! But she's soo cute...hehhehe. As my cousin Sharon would say, "I can't be an aunt, I'm only 9!"

Had a fun road trip with my small group (et al) on Fri. to visit WCCF's coffeehouse, and 'lex. Thanks for all the fun and laughs guys! It was also encouraging to see so many serving at WCCF, taking up their role, and make this fellowship their own.

It was a super Sat. as the Angels played a double-header. Lots of fun, interaction and building friendships...tho we lost the first, and tied the second game, our team is really improving.
Then it was off to Paul's b-day BBQ. Thanks for all the food and fun...hope you had an excellent b-day! Great to see ACF buds, and watched a HILARIOUS movie..."Along came Polly". lol. My sis is looking at me weird, as I'm laughing to myself, again.

At church yesterday, our STM team was prayed for and commissioned by the congregation. It's so touching to have a church family supporting and praying for us... :D Our VBS meeting afterwards was quite successful. Great turnout, and all the counsellors and helpers are getting pumped up!

Monday, June 21, 2004

A lot has happened this past week that I'm very thankful for. At Aletheia Fellowship Friday, we had a Father's Day celebration...lots of food, fun and sharings! I especially was moved by many of the testimonies the 'kids' gave of their parents. I've come to realize that I need to show my dad my appreciation more, in little a hug, or a shoulder massage (he's got chronic back aches, and very stiff neck and shoulder muscles)...

I finally got to meet my softball team for the first time at a game on Sat. We got creamed....oi...hehe, but it was still very enjoyable. Winning isn't that important... :P Tho I almost killed my pitcher, when my ball struck him in the 'you know where' while I was at bat...yikes! It would have been a terrible injury, if he hadn't covered himself with his glove. :S It was certainly not my intention to hit him, cuz I always hit left field, but it was b/c of C2 (caleb the super all-star) was shortstop between 2nd and 3rd, so I tried to direct the ball elsewhere. Oopsies!

Finally got to see my girls and spend some real quality time on Sunday night. Man, we haven't really chilled together like this since reading's been too long. I love you gals, thank you for loving this fool. lol. thanks for your incessant prayers and support...

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

I've hesitated in blogging these past couple of days b/c I didn't want to say something I'd regret later on. It feels like I've been on an emotional roller coaster ride, and I've been struggling with understanding my shortcomings, my self-confidence, and other disappointments in life. Don't worry, I'm not depressed...but was rather disgusted at me, my old crusty self.

This dissatisfaction has led me to behave quite moronically, especially to my sisters. I apologize...they really do get the best and worst of me. It was through doing devos, praying, and sharing with friends (thank you for listening! you know who you are =) that really brought me out into the light. I have had it with the Devil's lies, and will not let it hold me from pressing on toward the goal.

"Hungry I run to You, for I know You satisfy..."

Hebrews 12
2Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Being at home most of this week has had its pros and cons...cons include feeling restless being indoors all day, and spending so much time with my parents.....hehehe. But I've realized something about my dad that I've forgotten about. It's his constant sharing of Christ's love to everyone, stranger, aquaintance, family or friend....he'll send the same warmth and sincerity.

Two days ago, while the movers came, my dad did simple things to help ease their laborous work by providing them with pop, cutting up watermelon to serve them. After 3 days of moving, their enormous task was completed, they charged us for only 2 days, b/c they felt bad for being late etc. My parents immediately insisted that they take their full fair share. Hehhe....and with both parties being Chinese, this went on for a while. Lol. Finally, the movers took the money, and they commented on how wonderful and kind my father was to them. He immediately took this opportunity to share with them his faith, and it was quite encouraging to see. In the end, the movers each left with an outreach tape, and some pamplets introducing Christianity. I'm so blessed to have such a caring and compassionate father. = ) The Lord has placed so many figures and role models in my life...thank you Jesus!

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

My summer has officially begun! Chem is over! hahhaha...:D But no time to dilly-dally. lol. I love that word. I'm back in good ol' T.O., and there's so many things to do and take care of. My family just moved to our new home 3 days ago. We have too much stuff! (junk in my mind), and the movers are taking 3 days to move everything. So I've been running back and forth between the old house and the new place pretty much since Monday night. This is gonna be one BUSY week, but it's a good thing, cuz it gives me responsibility and a sense of purpose.

I visited Waterloo on my way out Monday night, and it was nice to see some friends (even tho they're extremely busy studying for upcoming mid-terms...good luck guys!), and I had a chance to see 'lex (hehee...I'll stop calling you that if you don't like it), :P and helped a bit at a homeless shelter calld 'Oasis'. It was a really good experience for me, and the Lord has convicted me of my 'favourtism' of the 'rich'. Read James chapter 2 to see what I mean. The chapter goes on to speak of faith and deeds, and how both needs to be active, for our salvation to be real in our life.

14What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save him? 15Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. 16If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? 17In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.
James 2:14-17

Friday, June 04, 2004 much to write about, but don't know where to start. First things first: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO Grace AND Peggy!! yay! :D Have a great day girls!

The first half of organic chem is over now. Feeling relieved, happy, and a bit nostalgic. I've had the BEST chem lecturer ever! She's the most caring, open, approachable, and helpful chem prof I've had. She tutors us before class in the morning, and stays after class to answer more questions. She comes to every lab section, and chats with us to learn our names! If I had her in first year chem, my grades would have been amazing. ;P She asked me if I was taking the 2nd half of chem with her next week. hhehe. I was sincerely sorry that I couldn't. ;D

Ahhhhh! just found out that Calgary won last night! more win to the Stanley Cup! Go Flames go!

Thanks for posting that lovely pic of us Jesse! lol. But your nose-pickin one is even better! Ewww. lol.

On a more serious note, the Lord answered some questions I had (at CC) about spiritual gifts. I had a good chat with my housemate Cora, and God really spoke to me through her. It's amazing how He knows exactly what our needs are without us even asking sometimes. I thank the Lord for this dear sister of mine. Cora, we're praying for ya (as you go off to teach in China!). I'll miss you.