Friday, June 04, 2004 much to write about, but don't know where to start. First things first: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO Grace AND Peggy!! yay! :D Have a great day girls!

The first half of organic chem is over now. Feeling relieved, happy, and a bit nostalgic. I've had the BEST chem lecturer ever! She's the most caring, open, approachable, and helpful chem prof I've had. She tutors us before class in the morning, and stays after class to answer more questions. She comes to every lab section, and chats with us to learn our names! If I had her in first year chem, my grades would have been amazing. ;P She asked me if I was taking the 2nd half of chem with her next week. hhehe. I was sincerely sorry that I couldn't. ;D

Ahhhhh! just found out that Calgary won last night! more win to the Stanley Cup! Go Flames go!

Thanks for posting that lovely pic of us Jesse! lol. But your nose-pickin one is even better! Ewww. lol.

On a more serious note, the Lord answered some questions I had (at CC) about spiritual gifts. I had a good chat with my housemate Cora, and God really spoke to me through her. It's amazing how He knows exactly what our needs are without us even asking sometimes. I thank the Lord for this dear sister of mine. Cora, we're praying for ya (as you go off to teach in China!). I'll miss you.