Sunday, February 29, 2004

9 days of school free, eating, playing, shopping, eating, sleeping, eating, meeting, seeing, eating, shopping, eating, and chilling has come to an end. It's been a blast, but part of me is relieved to be back at school. Know why? I miss my regular sleep cycles! This past week, my body hasn't let me sleep in past 9:15 am...I usually wake around 7:30-8:00 am, and with nothing to do, I'd just go bother my sleeping family (mainly my older sister; who highly appreciated my jumping on her bed, yanking her sheets off, and tell her that she's late for times).

I had a chance to meet up with my favourite gals, catch up with high school friends, chinese school friend, elementary school friends, church friends, and even western ACFers! Eating was involved in 99% of these gatherings.....ugh.....I ate out 8 times these past 9 days, 3 of which was all-you-can-eat style places. My body is not too pleased with me.

Thanks to so many friends and family who made my birthday special. = D You're just so awesome!

Oh, by the way...Happy Leap Day! Had fun laughing today at something silly I did 2 leap years ago (when I was 13).

Thursday, February 26, 2004

It's been a nice, quiet day at home for reflection, cleaning, packing etc. I won't be home when my family moves 500m down the neighbourhood in March. So I gotta do what I can now that I'm here......but there's no big rush, since this house isn't up for sale yet, as my parents are taking their time to wait for the best moment to sell. I can take as long as I I've been looking back at all my childhood things, my barbies, board games, art work, report cards etc. hhehee....Lots of fun actually.

I loved elementary school to bits, as one would find if they ever read my teachers' comments. My grade 1 teacher Ms. Sparks wrote, "Doreen is expanding her vocabulary daily; she is an avid reader. She has mastered numbers and counting. Doreen has an inquistive mind, and is confident in exploring her surroundings. She is very excited about our new baby chicks!" Ahhh......simpler times. : ) School was so much fun, I was the type to cry at the end of the school year, not wanting to leave my classroom or my friends. Hehhee.....I mean, how can you not love school, when you even get to play with your teacher's hair? School was awesome!

Now, at age *gulp* 21, I look ahead to the unknown. I've never imagined myself being older than 20, so everything's gonna be a surprise from now on end! lol. I don't feel any different, or that this is a special day, maybe b/c I've been seeing friends and going out so much that the excitement and celebratory mood has been evenly distributed throughout this week. The Lord has blessed and loved me so much these past 2 decades...I don't even know where to start counting my blessings. =P I know now that it's my turn to return His love, to bless and show God's love to others in my life.

Monday, February 23, 2004

No Frills is the best grocery store EVER! I've been to 3 different No Frills stores this week! I'm loving it.
At Aletheia on Friday, we had the chance to go on a chicken soup run around Nathan Philips Square. A lot more people were out that night, and we were able to hand out soup, talk with them, share God's love, and some even prayed with the homeless. It was pretty awesome how the Lord uses us in these simple acts of kindness.

It was on that night that a specific prayer of mine was answered. Praise the Lord! It doesn't matter if I don't get to go to China this summer (as I have hoped to and planned for), all I have to be is obedient, because I trust that He will lead me. I was in the process of registering with an organization that's sending a team to China this summer. However, my parents have had their reservations in me going there for my first short-term missions trip. They'd feel better if I went with my own church team, I think. But my reasoning was that our church may not send a team to China in the near future, and this summer is the time that I felt called to go. That's when I heard from P. Arthur that he has a burden to send a team from our church to China as early as next summer! In preparation for that, I've decided to go to Nashville as my first missions trip this summer. I know this is where the Lord is leading me, I know my parents are happy, and I know I'm at peace. = )

On Sat., I got to run errands with Cho, and have tea with. I know you're all having a splendid time in Vermont right now! = ) Then I chilled with my best friends, we just stayed in for the night, catching up. I love all your presents, and thanks for da food and cakes! *muah*

On Sunday night, it was hot pot king with my church friends.....soo much food! Some was quite exotic, like frog legs, king crab legs, and the most huge-normous oysters I have ever seen! It's been quite a weekend, and I look forward to many naps in the near future. = )

Thursday, February 19, 2004

Time flies soo quickly....I'm sitting in Weldon Library waiting for the Greyhound to take me home. READING WEEK IS HERE!!! ahhhhh.....I'm soo excited! The Lord has certainly carried me through these two intense weeks....freeing me from anxiety, restoring me, encouraging me through many bros and sistas....had a lot of laughs, lol. It's been crazy!

We got punked this morning....hehehhe....highly amusing. I couldn't stop laughing...this was 7:30 am mind you.

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

AHHhhhhhh........I'm soo happy and relieved to be done all 5 mid-terms! Let spring break begin! *snore* but first, must catch up on some zzzzz first.....

Sunday, February 15, 2004

It's been such a interesting weekend. First started off with Bible Study at ACF, and I was really moved by the girls' sharing, and just how open and close our small group has grown in the past while. They're such a blessing. : )

I came home on Valentine's Day after my exam and biz meeting. That's when the fun began. Wendy, Lil and I baked cupcakes, cookies, and brownies for the whole afternoon, watching '10 things I hate about you', 'Survivor' and the 'Apprentice'. We were interupted by a surprise 'quartet' who showed up at our doorstep to serenade us to some love songs. lol. Very nice gesture of these boys. hehe. Then we watched TV, ate dinner and headed over to Demetri's, where surprisingly a lot of ACFers came to. Fun night of laughs and pranks. Then we went home and did our own pranking on our Summit neighbours. lol. Ours certainly beat theirs! hhahaha.....good laughs. This was the best medicine and relief for the stress and unrest I've had for the past week.

The 'tea party' held by Rosey was fun too! Hanging out with gals, munching on some very fattening goods, and drinking tea with our pinkies sticking out. (j/k). Plus, I got 2 awesome hand-me-downs from Conball. Thanks again!

Thursday, February 12, 2004

One's perception can change so quickly. This was how I was feeling last night right before my internet got cut off......

"Feeling stressed. Probably the first time this whole school year. Four mid-terms are just around the corner, lots of other stuff to do, apply for, pray for, projects to complete, meetings after meetings, study sessions, program counselling etc. I have an average of 4-5 appointments daily, I'm even falling asleep on a 5 min bus ride home. And I'm forgetting where I'm supposed to meet ppl too! Sorry bad. ; P Thank goodness reading week is on its way! What an impeccable time, cuz by next week, I'm gonna be burnt out. *sigh*"

Now, I feel light as a feather, though the situation hasn't changed! I'm still swamped with work, I'm just looking at it differently. hehhee.....I thank the Lord that He has given me joy even in all this busyness and stress. Cause I know He'll carry me through. What's been an extra plus lately, is our 5th roommate Wendy, she's a complete joy to have around, soo sweet and funny, and easily amused! And I'm so easily distracted by her amusement!'s great. good times. ; )

Monday, February 09, 2004

I'm still so tired....been taking naps for the past three nights too. This is a rare form of me, cuz I never used to believe in naps.....and now I can't live without it! In my health sci text, it is saying that my exhaustion is due to the draining of my energy (thru difficulties, stress etc). THis is the holistic viewpoint, but I don't feel that way. I'm at peace with myself, and my relationship with the Lord is growing. But there are a lot of external factors that are worrisome, perhaps I dwell on it too much, and thus losing 'restful' sleep. I wake up each morning, remember 3-4 dreams I had each night, and my blanket is turned, fallen, or flipped inside out. Lol, lots of fighting, and action sequences in my dreams I guess. : P

Friday, February 06, 2004

Man, am I tired...though not from school....I didn't have any mid-terms this week, but I drank the most coffee, and had the most trouble staying awake in class. Feeling dizzy, and groggy, but I'm sure that's just caffiene withdrawal.
What's shocking is that Sharon found me my first white hair! aahhhhhh.....very scary indeed. Another sign of aging besides turning 21 in twenty days....gulp. Luckily, I have a mental age of 16, and a maturity level of a 5 yr old. lol.
Very excited about the coffeehouse tonight, so many people are bringing friends and classmates, I know the Lord will do something great. : D

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

A few of the ACFers at Charity Ball.

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Spring will be here in six weeks.......yay! Unless Mr. groundhog lied to us. "why I oughta" (shakes fist in air). I believe this prediction is very accurate, cuz how can you go wrong when one is "winter will last 6 weeks longer" and the other is "spring is coming in 6 weeks". attempt at jokes. *sigh*

Went to my first dragonboat practice in 3 months, and ouch...arms sore, back hurts, ego down. hehhe. Our female trainer is hard-core! At times I felt like I was at boot camp or something. "C'mon, you can do this! If you can't, then you'd better start going to the weight room or cardio room everyday, and none of that silly aerobics!" *sniff* But I like aerobics....

Monday, February 02, 2004

This weekend was filled with lots of work, and fun. : ) ACF on Friday was very encouraging, seeing our small group getting closer and opening up is a real blessing. Then we had gym night right after that. Excellent way to relieve stress from studying and worrying about exams. We played dodgeball! I love that game, but haven't played it since grade 9.
The biz exam on Sat. was alright. Very long and intense 3 hours though. But I soon forgot all about it cuz it was time to prepare for Charity Ball! Thank you so much Cho for taking time out of your schedule to do our hair twice! (including a trial run : ) It was beeautiful. heehee.
Charity Ball was lots of fun. Everyone looked great, gals were glamorous, and guys all duded up. : ) It was like the prom I never went to. Very fun experience. Again, if it wasn't for Cho's daily and persistant persuasion, I wouldn't have gone.
But now it's time to focus on studying again, as I wait for pictures to develop.

Congradulations to our new assistant Pastor Arthur Wong! I'm sure your installation service on Sunday was memorable; sorry I couldn't be there though. Can we call you "P.A." from now on? Just like what we used to call Pastor Ben "P.B." ? Oh yeah, and welcome back from HK.