Monday, February 23, 2004

No Frills is the best grocery store EVER! I've been to 3 different No Frills stores this week! I'm loving it.
At Aletheia on Friday, we had the chance to go on a chicken soup run around Nathan Philips Square. A lot more people were out that night, and we were able to hand out soup, talk with them, share God's love, and some even prayed with the homeless. It was pretty awesome how the Lord uses us in these simple acts of kindness.

It was on that night that a specific prayer of mine was answered. Praise the Lord! It doesn't matter if I don't get to go to China this summer (as I have hoped to and planned for), all I have to be is obedient, because I trust that He will lead me. I was in the process of registering with an organization that's sending a team to China this summer. However, my parents have had their reservations in me going there for my first short-term missions trip. They'd feel better if I went with my own church team, I think. But my reasoning was that our church may not send a team to China in the near future, and this summer is the time that I felt called to go. That's when I heard from P. Arthur that he has a burden to send a team from our church to China as early as next summer! In preparation for that, I've decided to go to Nashville as my first missions trip this summer. I know this is where the Lord is leading me, I know my parents are happy, and I know I'm at peace. = )

On Sat., I got to run errands with Cho, and have tea with. I know you're all having a splendid time in Vermont right now! = ) Then I chilled with my best friends, we just stayed in for the night, catching up. I love all your presents, and thanks for da food and cakes! *muah*

On Sunday night, it was hot pot king with my church friends.....soo much food! Some was quite exotic, like frog legs, king crab legs, and the most huge-normous oysters I have ever seen! It's been quite a weekend, and I look forward to many naps in the near future. = )