Thursday, February 26, 2004

It's been a nice, quiet day at home for reflection, cleaning, packing etc. I won't be home when my family moves 500m down the neighbourhood in March. So I gotta do what I can now that I'm here......but there's no big rush, since this house isn't up for sale yet, as my parents are taking their time to wait for the best moment to sell. I can take as long as I I've been looking back at all my childhood things, my barbies, board games, art work, report cards etc. hhehee....Lots of fun actually.

I loved elementary school to bits, as one would find if they ever read my teachers' comments. My grade 1 teacher Ms. Sparks wrote, "Doreen is expanding her vocabulary daily; she is an avid reader. She has mastered numbers and counting. Doreen has an inquistive mind, and is confident in exploring her surroundings. She is very excited about our new baby chicks!" Ahhh......simpler times. : ) School was so much fun, I was the type to cry at the end of the school year, not wanting to leave my classroom or my friends. Hehhee.....I mean, how can you not love school, when you even get to play with your teacher's hair? School was awesome!

Now, at age *gulp* 21, I look ahead to the unknown. I've never imagined myself being older than 20, so everything's gonna be a surprise from now on end! lol. I don't feel any different, or that this is a special day, maybe b/c I've been seeing friends and going out so much that the excitement and celebratory mood has been evenly distributed throughout this week. The Lord has blessed and loved me so much these past 2 decades...I don't even know where to start counting my blessings. =P I know now that it's my turn to return His love, to bless and show God's love to others in my life.