Thursday, February 12, 2004

One's perception can change so quickly. This was how I was feeling last night right before my internet got cut off......

"Feeling stressed. Probably the first time this whole school year. Four mid-terms are just around the corner, lots of other stuff to do, apply for, pray for, projects to complete, meetings after meetings, study sessions, program counselling etc. I have an average of 4-5 appointments daily, I'm even falling asleep on a 5 min bus ride home. And I'm forgetting where I'm supposed to meet ppl too! Sorry bad. ; P Thank goodness reading week is on its way! What an impeccable time, cuz by next week, I'm gonna be burnt out. *sigh*"

Now, I feel light as a feather, though the situation hasn't changed! I'm still swamped with work, I'm just looking at it differently. hehhee.....I thank the Lord that He has given me joy even in all this busyness and stress. Cause I know He'll carry me through. What's been an extra plus lately, is our 5th roommate Wendy, she's a complete joy to have around, soo sweet and funny, and easily amused! And I'm so easily distracted by her amusement!'s great. good times. ; )