Friday, April 22, 2005

four more days!!

I can hardly wait...heheh. Spring is definitely here, as my insect friends have returned to my room. Spiders I'll take any day, but what gets me is those nasty earwigs, potato bugs, and 100-legged silver fish thingys..ick! I usually do a quick check before I sleep at night, cuz yes, they have showed up on my bed and blankets before. Last night, I exterminated 2 spiders, 1 earwig, 1 worm-like thing, and 1 potato bug before I went to bed. I woke up 6 hrs later...and randomly looked up at my ceiling, and saw a spider at 3 corners of my room! arrr....not cool. I didn't feel guilty this time around, squishing them and flushing them down the toilet (thinking of Charlotte's Web everytime), I mean c''s not like they're gonna spin me a web with the words "some girl" on it in hopes of saving my academic life. hahhah....I'm studying for Children's Lit... ;o)

gosh, I need a nap....till next time, stay classy San Francisco!

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Photo glance at this school year

eating....ALWAYS eating. :o) Posted by Hello

making magic Posted by Hello

questing for knowledge Posted by Hello

hanging out Posted by Hello

Raindeer riding!  Posted by Hello

being barn animals Posted by Hello

Sunday, April 17, 2005

A hymn that gripped my heart tonight.

I will rest in Thy love
I will feed on Thy grace
I boldly come nigh to Thy throne
and worship thee, Lord, on my face
I've sold everything to gain Thee
the riches the world gave to me
to love Thee is all I desire
and shelter my new heart in Thee.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Equipped and ready

A couple more days till my last four exams arrive, I must admit it's hard to be motivated to study for all these courses at once, just even a week in advance. But after last night's meeting up with friends, we went over to Shoppers, and oh my...the deals we found! I am now prepared for the strict discipline of gluing my butt to a library chair everyday, with the help of the bags of Lindt's assorted minis, and extra fine 70% cocoa squares....mmm. Studying is going to be delicious. lol. Also, I can look forward to going home to the Haagen Daz ice-cream that was only $3.49 at Shoppers! *tear* makes me nostalgic of my Haagen Daz diet in rez 1st year. ;o) No worries, I'm not a glutton, just a giddy chocoholic. Good luck guys!

Thursday, April 14, 2005

A Definite Maybe

Don't you just love this sort of answer or conclusion? Especially when it's something you can't seem to decide upon. I'm just having trouble sorting out school stuff in my head. I think I need to 'waffle-lize' these crazy noodles. I question my motivations, my goals, my ideals...and continue to wait upon and seek for the Lord's guidance, reassurance, and fulfillment. Be this a test, a distraction, or internal struggle, I must hold on to the truth and find my rest in Him.

Cors' birthday went well yesterday. Though she's a bit too aware that everyone's aware of her birthday, and suspected something to happen. Lesson more surprises on the actual day! As we came home from Maggie's and pulled into the drive-way....we SAW ppl going into our house... :p

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Time changes so many things...don't want to say good-bye. How about see you later instead?

ACF banquet was a big success on Friday night. A wonderful night of fellowship, laughs, food, crazy picture taking etc. The Lord has been faithful and blessed this group so abundantly. Though many of us feel sad to see these brothers and sisters go, I know that the Lord will bring in many others into our midst come Sept. There are so many wonderful memories that I will hold on to...and there's still more that we'll be able to share together too....Hooray for ACF camping in August!

"You can't get to heaven in a limousine, the Lord don't sell no gasolineee..."'s a REAL song! I heard it for the first time in children's Sunday school today. Really funny time of singspiration. ;o) I said good-bye to my kids today as well, not wanting to part with them, as each has grown dear to me...but I know it's time to move on.

It's a weird feeling, but I'm actually quite happy writing my first exam tomorrow (a week earlier as my prof was kind enough to let those with crammed schedules but have no exam conflicts to write earlier). I think I'll go study now, just so I can maintain the same level of contentment after the exam as well. Good luck you guys!

P.S. Hans, I'm not home till end of April...stop calling my parents! lol.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

the amazing bunch of grads that are heading outta L-dot. *sniff* Posted by Hello

Monday, April 04, 2005

wahg wAhg WAHG...hehhe. know what that sound is? the dud sound that always come after an unsuccessful experience. Aiya...just got my English participation mark back today..worth 20%...and yeah, quite disappointed in myself and my prof. We had 24 tutorials throughout the year, and he said that he allows three absences without penalty...okay, so I'm counting in my head...."1, 2, 3, 4.." oh crap. It's my fault too..."contributing inconsistently" in class discussions as he described. Let's hope my final will pull me out of the water... >.<

Anywho, on to better things...the grad and alumni sharing at ACF on Fri. was really encouraging. It was also good to meet up with our small groups one last time. Had brunch at Jon's on Sat. Yummy eggs benedict! Cal and Shahrukhqi cooked us a lovely dinner Sunday night. Really touched by the time and effort you guys put in. Good times.

Cora, you're more 'moong' than me! This is one isolated incident that must be carefully analyzed from all sides. :P Besides, I found your shoes IN my closet...and even Lil admits our shoes look pretty similar....I would know what my own shoes look like, but these are Sharon's fila's...(shrin, remember you lent them to me for softball?). hahha...I didn't appreciate how your broken heels made my ankles bleed. Lol. love Sam's comment on how you shouldn't push your cluelessness onto me...ya hear? :P

Still conjouring up my courage to speak to CSS director at LCAC about my decision not to teach next term. It's hard because I actually really do want to, but I at the same time I know it's one of the things I need to put aside if I am to be effective in other areas. I know the Lord is good, and He will provide for the ministry's needs.

3.5 more days till classes are over, 4 more days till ACF banquet, 15 more days till my first exam, 22 more days till I'm done 3rd year, 23 more days till "As You Like It", 1234 days till I stop counting days. hahha.