Friday, April 22, 2005

four more days!!

I can hardly wait...heheh. Spring is definitely here, as my insect friends have returned to my room. Spiders I'll take any day, but what gets me is those nasty earwigs, potato bugs, and 100-legged silver fish thingys..ick! I usually do a quick check before I sleep at night, cuz yes, they have showed up on my bed and blankets before. Last night, I exterminated 2 spiders, 1 earwig, 1 worm-like thing, and 1 potato bug before I went to bed. I woke up 6 hrs later...and randomly looked up at my ceiling, and saw a spider at 3 corners of my room! arrr....not cool. I didn't feel guilty this time around, squishing them and flushing them down the toilet (thinking of Charlotte's Web everytime), I mean c''s not like they're gonna spin me a web with the words "some girl" on it in hopes of saving my academic life. hahhah....I'm studying for Children's Lit... ;o)

gosh, I need a nap....till next time, stay classy San Francisco!