Monday, April 04, 2005

wahg wAhg WAHG...hehhe. know what that sound is? the dud sound that always come after an unsuccessful experience. Aiya...just got my English participation mark back today..worth 20%...and yeah, quite disappointed in myself and my prof. We had 24 tutorials throughout the year, and he said that he allows three absences without penalty...okay, so I'm counting in my head...."1, 2, 3, 4.." oh crap. It's my fault too..."contributing inconsistently" in class discussions as he described. Let's hope my final will pull me out of the water... >.<

Anywho, on to better things...the grad and alumni sharing at ACF on Fri. was really encouraging. It was also good to meet up with our small groups one last time. Had brunch at Jon's on Sat. Yummy eggs benedict! Cal and Shahrukhqi cooked us a lovely dinner Sunday night. Really touched by the time and effort you guys put in. Good times.

Cora, you're more 'moong' than me! This is one isolated incident that must be carefully analyzed from all sides. :P Besides, I found your shoes IN my closet...and even Lil admits our shoes look pretty similar....I would know what my own shoes look like, but these are Sharon's fila's...(shrin, remember you lent them to me for softball?). hahha...I didn't appreciate how your broken heels made my ankles bleed. Lol. love Sam's comment on how you shouldn't push your cluelessness onto me...ya hear? :P

Still conjouring up my courage to speak to CSS director at LCAC about my decision not to teach next term. It's hard because I actually really do want to, but I at the same time I know it's one of the things I need to put aside if I am to be effective in other areas. I know the Lord is good, and He will provide for the ministry's needs.

3.5 more days till classes are over, 4 more days till ACF banquet, 15 more days till my first exam, 22 more days till I'm done 3rd year, 23 more days till "As You Like It", 1234 days till I stop counting days. hahha.