Thursday, March 31, 2005

OOX-I wrote this really long post on our blog...but the comp I was using crashed when I tried to save it. *sniff* Oh wells...keep me posted!

My head's trying to remember everything that I have to's not stressing me out, but I tend to forget some things here and there. School's over soon, and I'm heading to HK a couple days later. Don't know what to expect, or know how to prepare myself. I've only spoken with the missions coordinator once on the phone, I know very little about this trip, except to know that I'll just contact him when I get there. Who I will go with, where I will be staying once in China, what exactly is my role and how I will serve etc. will be a discovery once there. This coordinator is an old church friend of my parents...they say I'll recognize him, even though we last met, I was four yrs old. I feel okay about not knowing even the simple things like details of a missions trip. heeheh. For some reason, I don't have fear, even though there are many reasons for me to worry and be afraid of. I guess that's where faith and trust comes into play. I will write my prayer letter soon.

Small group dinner last night was good! Scrumptious food courtesy of our host Stephen, and we got to learn how to make a black forest cake from scratch...mmm. I think I know what I'll be doing between studying for finals. keke. :o)

Monday, March 28, 2005

A much needed Easter weekend at home. ahhhh. :o) Got to say, the passion dinner theatre play on Fri. night was extraordinary! Gotta hand it to you incredible to see everyone doing their part with such vigor, love and unity. Grace, I think you've stunned mom...and that's a good thing. During the outdoors crucifixion part, all I heard in my head was the song O the Wonderful Cross.

Thanks again for the extremely practical gift bananz, thank Uncle John for me too. I lubs it. lol.

It was a smooth ride back to L-dot with Lil on Sunday...only sad thing was seeing roadkill on the 401, not just a poor rabbit, squirrel or raccoon...but a large lone wolf. Poor unfortunate creature. :o(

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Laughter is such sweet medicine...a key element in life that I try to hold on to everyday. Through the busy-ness of school, work, and's so easy to get 'tunnel-vision' and forget about everything else that's important.
Staying positive and seeing the good in trials is hard work...and I always need to keep myself in check. It is in these times that I need it laughing at my own mishaps, laughing at others, *ahem* I mean WITH others (hehhe...oh lil), watching silly Korean movies, Scrubs, Conan's "dudez a plenti"

Here's a pretty funny Top Ten list from Letterman...enjoy! :o)

Top Ten Bush Goals For His Second Term
10. Fewer idiotic remarks; more hilarious pratfalls.
9. Add mother Barbara to Mount Rushmore.
8. Combine Nebraska and Kansas into new state: Nebransas.
7. Spice up boring state dinners with tasty fish sticks!
6. Improve communication skills from poor to fair.
5. Catch up on his "Smokey And The Bandit" collection.
4. Get Ray Stevens to write some funny lyrics for "Hail To The Chief"
3. Ride every roller coaster in the country.
2. Install remote-activated button in Oval Office so he can blow stuff up right from his desk!
1. Begin vote-rigging process for Jeb's White House run in 2008.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

My heart is filled with unspeakable joy...God is so faithful and constant that no matter how weary, burdened, or stressed I get, He is the UNCHANGEABLE rock and fortress in weakness. There's been many times of weakness this week, and I've been frustrated and disappointed at myself, for allowing me to even listen to thoughts that are contrary to God's truth. But praise the Lord for waking me up from self-absorption and lifting my eyes to Him once again, and restoring my spirit.

It's all about you, Jesus..

Thursday, March 17, 2005

tell me, tell me babyyy...

hehe. That's the N'Sync song stuck in my head...we're using that for our dance's so incredibly fast. But anywho...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPORTACAS!! *muah* have a fantabular day! Can't wait to see you next weeek! :o)

Only three more weeks of classes left!! Woohoo...can't wait till finals arrive, which is such a relief from having classes day in a out, with multiple tasks/essays/assignments on top of regular school work. Three more assignments left to hand in before April rolls around...but at least they're not essays! hehhe. solly cora ;p

I've been learning so much lately, about spiritual warfare, repentance, deliverance...that I just cram it all into my head without processing it and or delving deeper into the Word. Lots of activities call my attention (like ACF and LCAC stuff), and going and doing all these things are great, but I've allowed it to replace quiet time and solitude with the Lord. The key is balance, and I know I need more time to seek and wait on Him. I think I'll take up journalling again (besides my prayer journal), as it does help me organize my mental thoughts. Yes, that is what I'll do. :o)

Monday, March 14, 2005

they came and went...

Something interesting happened to me on Sat. night. My closet was raided...BY THE FASHION POLICE! No, I'm serious! I guess over the course of this term, they've tried to ease their ideas to me, but not to much avail, since I still dress the way I do (which I will try to explain later). They supoenaed certain clothing articles of mine, which I'll admit are old, frayed, and I've worn since grade 8. ;P But I can explain! lol...

So they say my problem is inconsistency and fluctuation between presentable and 'what is she thinking?' I see your point, and I understand your view. My argument is that when I go to school Mon-Fri, I don't think about what to wear, since it's ONLY school, I could care less about how I look. Honestly, I don't have much 'decent' clothing in London....mostly casual wear, bum clothes, and ridiculously bummy clothes (which I still love to wear for comfort, and even out of the house...heehee, which is appalling to my fashion advisors). I'm a lot of work, huh girls? ;P

I see this conundrum stemming from who I grew up as, and where I am today. It's funny, cuz I've never been told this before. But many a times, I dress for comfort, with next to no regard for impressing people. This lax attitude has been reinforced and supported by most people I've been around with all my life. I guess university life is a different scene...and I know that how one dress and present themselves does affect their credibilty and success rate.

Just to make those around me happy and cringe less (hahha...j/k. I appreciate your efforts toward my betterment), I'll get rid of my ridicously bummy clothes, no more silly mix and match get-ups, no more wearing questionable winter boots starting in April (I will throw them out after this winter!), I'll give my sis her steel-toed boots back, and try to move up a bit on the clothing heirarchy of class and style (whatever that is :)

Friday, March 11, 2005

This page is looking rather clean and bare I must say....*ahem* I see your new awesome template Grace, I want one too......per favore! Kinda sad that my posts from Sept. 04-Feb 05 cannot be archived since I've been blogging on the template section.

Grace, interesting reading about your prep for T.C. next your team called gangstas? *gasp* Don't go all crazy on your team the first your voice, and remember to pray for your team members. Have fun!

Mmmm....made coconut cream pie in food lab today. It would've been perfect, but I followed the instructions too much, and didn't even think for a sec. My lab partner and I made and baked the pie crust first, then we added in the filling, and for toppings we used 'Cool Whip' topping inside of making our own meringue topping (due to lack of time). In the recipe book, it says to bake the pie till the meringue turns golden brown at the peaks. So I put in the pie, and cranked up the oven. Big mistake! 'Cool Whip' is like whipped can you bake that? So two minutes later....not only did our creation not turn golden brown and crispy...the whipped cream melted and pooled to the bottom of the oven. *sniff* So we served coconut cream puddin with crust instead. ;p Aiya...Lil, Cors...remember my pumpkin pie oven incident last Oct.? fire today *whew*

Tho two weeks ago when I used a pressure cooker for the first time in lab....the top blew off as I tried to relieve some of its pressure under the tap. hehhee...pressure cookers are DANGEROUS. Giving me a plastic butter knife to handle is also hazardous. keke

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Here we go again...hehe. Grace, I'm still waiting...
I'll post for real soon. In the meantime, have some fun on