Monday, March 14, 2005

they came and went...

Something interesting happened to me on Sat. night. My closet was raided...BY THE FASHION POLICE! No, I'm serious! I guess over the course of this term, they've tried to ease their ideas to me, but not to much avail, since I still dress the way I do (which I will try to explain later). They supoenaed certain clothing articles of mine, which I'll admit are old, frayed, and I've worn since grade 8. ;P But I can explain! lol...

So they say my problem is inconsistency and fluctuation between presentable and 'what is she thinking?' I see your point, and I understand your view. My argument is that when I go to school Mon-Fri, I don't think about what to wear, since it's ONLY school, I could care less about how I look. Honestly, I don't have much 'decent' clothing in London....mostly casual wear, bum clothes, and ridiculously bummy clothes (which I still love to wear for comfort, and even out of the house...heehee, which is appalling to my fashion advisors). I'm a lot of work, huh girls? ;P

I see this conundrum stemming from who I grew up as, and where I am today. It's funny, cuz I've never been told this before. But many a times, I dress for comfort, with next to no regard for impressing people. This lax attitude has been reinforced and supported by most people I've been around with all my life. I guess university life is a different scene...and I know that how one dress and present themselves does affect their credibilty and success rate.

Just to make those around me happy and cringe less (hahha...j/k. I appreciate your efforts toward my betterment), I'll get rid of my ridicously bummy clothes, no more silly mix and match get-ups, no more wearing questionable winter boots starting in April (I will throw them out after this winter!), I'll give my sis her steel-toed boots back, and try to move up a bit on the clothing heirarchy of class and style (whatever that is :)