Thursday, March 17, 2005

tell me, tell me babyyy...

hehe. That's the N'Sync song stuck in my head...we're using that for our dance's so incredibly fast. But anywho...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPORTACAS!! *muah* have a fantabular day! Can't wait to see you next weeek! :o)

Only three more weeks of classes left!! Woohoo...can't wait till finals arrive, which is such a relief from having classes day in a out, with multiple tasks/essays/assignments on top of regular school work. Three more assignments left to hand in before April rolls around...but at least they're not essays! hehhe. solly cora ;p

I've been learning so much lately, about spiritual warfare, repentance, deliverance...that I just cram it all into my head without processing it and or delving deeper into the Word. Lots of activities call my attention (like ACF and LCAC stuff), and going and doing all these things are great, but I've allowed it to replace quiet time and solitude with the Lord. The key is balance, and I know I need more time to seek and wait on Him. I think I'll take up journalling again (besides my prayer journal), as it does help me organize my mental thoughts. Yes, that is what I'll do. :o)