Sunday, May 30, 2004

It's been a very pleasant week here in London...nothing much going on (besides chem), but had time to spend with friends this weekend, catching up, cooking together, eating together, playing Balderdash!, hanging out, watching movies, and spending time with God.

I realize that summer school in London is like a little getaway, a retreat from the real world. I feel as though the Lord put me here to listen, and wait upon Him, away from the busy life and all the people in Toronto. I should really make the most of these last 8 days... :D

I found out that my little cousins are coming to visit from Conn. soon. Heheh...can't wait to see how much they've grown!

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

The Lord was present at Campus Challenge this weekend. My mind is filled with so much, and I need time to process it all. But my spirit is joyful and uplifted from the wonderful blessings I've recieved this weekend. Got to see and catch up with old friends, meet new friends, and share our together in worship, and building one another up.

I am feeling quite exhausted, as I've finished my chem mid-term (which went oddly well, considering I didn't have a chance to study till the night before, and had failed all three practice mid-terms) *ouch* That was quite a blow at 3 am this morning, but instead; I felt peace and reassurance, and had a pretty restful sleep. Thank you for your prayers, cuz whatever mark I get, it'll be a miracle. = D

Team Fluff! Clarence, Kevin, Cindy, Lindsay, Alex, Grace and myself.

Small group playing outside in the rain.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Very sad and disappointed to hear that the TV show Martha Stewart Living is being cancelled. Noooooooo!! No one can replace her on HGTV or the FoodNetwork. It's not fair, all my TV shows are finished (Friends)or being cancelled. The only one left going for me is the classic Chinese soap during weekday afternoons. And I'm not home to watch it. I am one bitter TV viewer. hehhe. Plus, our London cable will also be suspended, which is fine, since I won't have time to watch these next few weeks.

Days go by slowly here in London. But I'm looking forward to CC this upcoming weekend!

Monday, May 17, 2004

I'm at Weldon Library did this happen? This summer school term will prove much more difficult than the stats course I took last year. First day in, and I already have a lab tonight. I foresee a very busy 3 week term. In fact, my mid-term is in 10 days! Aiya....the main difference is there's no slack period, no time to let things sink in, no time to catch up, and no room for mistakes. It's a unique type of pressure and stress to make oneself learn a week's worth of lectures in a single class. I seriously hope I've got the discipline and short term memory space to take organic chem all in. heheh.

On another note, I've had a wonderful break back at home the last 2 weeks. This weekend, I had bbtea, girls sleepover, painted my new room with Cho, Cae's 25th b-day dinner etc. Got to see old childhood friends, church friends, family, and ACF friends. *sigh* Friendship is such a wonderful blessing!

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

What's with this changing the blogger interface? I miss the old postings, where you could read everything you wrote all at once. =(

Feeling a sense of restlessness settling in. It's probably because I'm at home all day doing non-stop packing and cleaning...which has led my mind to wander. I realize I've led myself to believing one thing all these years, when it's a lie. My actions and behaviour prove otherwise, as I see myself acting in a way totally different from my false mentality. God does have so much more in store for me, and I don't need to worry. I'm thankful because I've been true to myself, and He has been so faithful and gracious. Yay! I've finally overcome this mental stumbling block of mine.

On another note, obstacles are cropping up around our Nashville missions team. We are in deep need of prayer and support, as the Devil try to discourage us, cast doubt, insecurity, and temptations along our path. Strengthen us O Lord!

Monday, May 03, 2004

Well, I'm back home in T.O. and things are already getting busy...but in a good way. ;) Got to see and chill with my gals on Friday, eating at a yummy all-you can eat sushi bar, and watched "About a Boy". It wasn't chick-flicky as I suspected, so it was good. Got to meet my co-leader for CC small group on Sat. at the training. CC is coming up so soon!
At church on Sunday, finally got to see Terr whom I've missed since Sept. Got to catch up having breakfast with him. Perhaps I was overzealous in seeing him again, cuz I blabbed to him my whole year at school. aiya. Could be good and bad, but also scary! hehehhe. (nervous laughter)
Then I went to visit SCAC, where Kevin got baptized! :D It was wonderful to see him testify before God and man his decision, and it was a very pleasant day spent with a lot of other ACFers, having lunch, and watching the hockey game.

Now according to my parents, I'm on house arrest for 2 days, b/c I've got to clean my room/help make my house presentable to sell, and also clean my new home. So many chores......moving isn't easy.