Wednesday, May 12, 2004

What's with this changing the blogger interface? I miss the old postings, where you could read everything you wrote all at once. =(

Feeling a sense of restlessness settling in. It's probably because I'm at home all day doing non-stop packing and cleaning...which has led my mind to wander. I realize I've led myself to believing one thing all these years, when it's a lie. My actions and behaviour prove otherwise, as I see myself acting in a way totally different from my false mentality. God does have so much more in store for me, and I don't need to worry. I'm thankful because I've been true to myself, and He has been so faithful and gracious. Yay! I've finally overcome this mental stumbling block of mine.

On another note, obstacles are cropping up around our Nashville missions team. We are in deep need of prayer and support, as the Devil try to discourage us, cast doubt, insecurity, and temptations along our path. Strengthen us O Lord!