Thursday, August 30, 2007

Haven't gotten myself into the school mode yet, but its starting to hit me as I stare at my schedule that was just sent to me. The only course I'm not loving is more research methods and stats...but I knew it was coming.

Fall term
- Current Issues and Controversies in Foods and Nutrition
– Research Methods and Statistics
– Special Topics in Leadership and Management

Winter term

– Advances in Clinical Nutrition
– Contemporary Issues in Foodservice Administration
– Community Nutrition and Education

Required Internship
- 52 weeks starting in May

(boo..) I'm very excited about internship, don't get me wrong. But I want to travel and go places like Europe, China for the Olympics etc. and see the world!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

When I was young, going downtown meant attending some big event, like a concert, convention or wedding. I never had the chance to just walk around and explore. There's so much to do and see downtown, so I'm looking forward to Queen's Quay (I still say 'quay' and not 'key' cuz it sounds so weird) today with lils and bex. I think we're going to some Taiwanese noodle festival. mmm.

My favourite cousins came from Conn. to visit last week. So much eating out. I've got quite an aversion to non-home cooked food right now. But we watched Hairspray and it was AMAZING! I loved the movie so much, lots of singing, dancing, and wit. I want to join Corny Collins...I definitely have the corny down.

I found out in an email today from my program director that I'll be getting an office to use. An office! I've never had my own office before...oh the possibilities! hahah...Though we share it with one other masters student, she happens to be a good friend of mine. The cool part is, the rooms are newly renovated, and not fully furnished yet. I think we get to furnish it ourselves with school funding...sweet. Give me my moment, I know I will spend long hours there, but I'm dreaming of office parties and whatnot. ahah.

Looking forward to worship this Sunday. The Lord has been good to our team, what a pleasure its been (surprisingly!).

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

today's my last day off at work before they really make me work (we're short-staffed) till labor day weekend. So what am I gonna do? Happy hour Karaoke-ing of course!

I tried out Extreme Fitness last week...and was quite overwhelmed. All I want was to run and swim a little, but I was bombarded by 3 personal trainers trying to get me to sign up for free training sessions, analysis, squash lessons etc. They were a bit too forward, and I didn't want to go back. But meh, it's back to Campus Rec anyway. :P

I hate the feeling of being repressed...repressed in that I want to say something and put my two cents in, but stop myself in fear of pushing others away, saying the wrong thing, and not achieving the desired outcome, or worse hurting someone. Let's hope I'm discerning correctly.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Back to school I go!

Praise be to God...who knew that my foiled plans for post-undergrad would lead me right back to Western? God is good. I still can't believe its's so humbling to watch the Lord open up a door that's even better than what I had try to accomplish on my own.

Gosh, me a Masters student? A future dietitian (RD)?! It's laughable and most certainly a gift from Him. My average in undergrad is under the minimum requirement of 78% for this program. During my panel interview, I messed up one question...and I was certain one of my profs was not very impressed. How and why I still got accepted can only be answered by God's grace. :)

So, 4 more weeks at Sickkids left...the cool thing is the support and well-wishes the hospital is giving me...which enables me to depart on good terms. I've been having fun giving talks to families in the G-tube clinic. I use a doll called "G-baby"...and as trained as I am with's a whole other story as I see outpatients with G-tubes. I can't help but feel a little weak in the knees looking at their little tummies with a button G-tube protrusion. :S Poor babies...they're little heroes to me.