Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Back to school I go!

Praise be to God...who knew that my foiled plans for post-undergrad would lead me right back to Western? God is good. I still can't believe its's so humbling to watch the Lord open up a door that's even better than what I had try to accomplish on my own.

Gosh, me a Masters student? A future dietitian (RD)?! It's laughable and most certainly a gift from Him. My average in undergrad is under the minimum requirement of 78% for this program. During my panel interview, I messed up one question...and I was certain one of my profs was not very impressed. How and why I still got accepted can only be answered by God's grace. :)

So, 4 more weeks at Sickkids left...the cool thing is the support and well-wishes the hospital is giving me...which enables me to depart on good terms. I've been having fun giving talks to families in the G-tube clinic. I use a doll called "G-baby"...and as trained as I am with's a whole other story as I see outpatients with G-tubes. I can't help but feel a little weak in the knees looking at their little tummies with a button G-tube protrusion. :S Poor babies...they're little heroes to me.