Monday, October 31, 2005

crunchy leaves gives me the munchies

Crisp, cool fall. Past 4 days has been pretty crazy.tired.blessed.biochem. ACF was really something else...the sharings, the worship, the prayers...the Holy Spirit was moving. I can't remember the last time we ended at mid-night! As tired as I was, I didn't want to leave...God is good. And this is just the beginning.

Lots of alumni came back...missed them...but good catching up with Cindy, Vicky, Chris, and meeting Clem! Really sweet, open, friendly gal to have around for the weekend.

Good weekend. Church. softball...I can't believe we're still winning. hahhaha...Through the Roof at night. Amazing Egyptian speaker (Majed El Shafie) that spoke of the grace, forgiveness, and compassion amidst persecution, pain, torment suffered for his love for Jesus. 200 million Christians worldwide are being persecuted, 80% in moslem nations. First step to help...prayer.

It's Nov. and you know what that means...keke...chocolate appreciation month! suhweet....*drool* Plus, come visit me in L-dot month...heeheh.

School is taking its toll on me...I thought 4th yr would be easy...just like 3rd yr. Oi. silly moi. How much higher do I need to pull my socks up? rrrrrrip!

I can see the fingerprints of God when I look at you.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I miss my Bean...

Kristine Emily Barnes. What can I say about her? What can I not say about her? lol...she's my first and oldest childhood friend in Canada. Oh my...just thinking about her brings back those blissful and carefree days of childhood. I met her the summer before kindergarten started, and she was my next door neighbour who was also my age. It was perfect...we played together, even though I couldn't really speak English. ;) We did EVERYTHING together. Played pretend we were moms/astronauts/ballerinas/Sun Tots/Care Bears. One of those rare occasions in life when two ppl so compatible are brought together.

We hung out 24/ much that our elementary school teachers had to put us in separate classes from grades 4-6. As much as that seemed unfair...nothing could stop us. We were a dynamic duo, and we were each other's heroes. I used to let her cheat off me in math and spelling. hahah. We started the best friends club with 4 other girls, and held weekly meetings in someone's basement crawlspace. It was at this club that I first watched 'Speed' and was introduced to Keanu Reeves. :P Kristine helped me overcome my fear of E.T., my fear of icky stuff (like mud, worms, hairy caterpillers). We had each other's back...once she threw sand and kicked a boy for me when he made me cry (kept chasing me and trying to kiss me). We joined and went through Sparks, Brownies, and Girl Guides together...and helped each other get badges, community awards etc. I was her golden retriever's godmother, and we would get a kick from styling Shadow's hair with gel/hairspray and scrunchies. We learned to ride the two-wheeler together. Joined band, and choir. Have sleepovers, dress-up parties, and drive both our older sisters insane together. lol.

When we skipped classes to go the Scar. Town Centre or went to parties we weren't allowed to in grades 7-8 (shifty-eyes), we had the most perfect, flawless stories to tell our parents. I was her messenger between her and her know, those ones where they go tell the guy if she said "yes" or "no"...or worse...that "it's over." She was a sister to me, and was as important and significant as my own family. We were looking forward to conquering high school together, but her family decided to move to Calgary. So many tears, not wanting to say good-bye...It's been 8 yrs since she's been gone...and I almost got to see her 5 yrs ago in Calgary...

She's got such a big and wonderful heart for ppl, and is on her way to being a registered nurse, who's also very talented in musical theatre and synchronized swimming. And she'll be in T.O. for 3 days this week, and I soo want to see her!! Why school, why?

Thursday, October 20, 2005

And He has said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness " Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.
2 Corinthians 12:9 (NASB)

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Cut it up, box it in

I'm talking about the 'spaghetti' jumble up in my head. Trying to 'waffle-lize' it a bit, so I can deal with different parts. If everything stayed interconnected, it'll be over-whelming. I'm trying to think like a guy....hehehe. *grunt* cuz I sound like one. lol. My short-term memory is shot...maybe my hippocampus is on early vacation to Cuba or something. I forget entire conversations I have. I seemed to have lost my L.A.M.B. cd (did I lend it out to anyone?), missing one of my fav. necklaces (is it here or in T.O...), and just really slow at responding (perhaps a mild speech aphasia?). Let's hope my obscured noggin will pull through these mid-terms....eeeyaaa...

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

It's splendorful...

Heeheheh...that's my new made up word to describe the church that Kelvin and Karen picked to have their wedding ceremony. It's an Anglican church, but they'll allow them to have Arthur officiate the wedding. It's really amazing...well, from what they tell me, and from my taking the virtual tour. Oh yeah, it's also the church that was featured in Kelly Clarkson's music video "Behind These Hazel Eyes". The one where she's wearing a wedding gown in the church, and rolling in mud or something. lol...don't be like her Karen. ;o) I never imagined my sister's wedding to be this grand, and splendorful...but it's exciting, and I'm glad to be a part of it.

Thanksgiving has come and gone, and I really enjoyed the times I had with my family and friends...from finishing a 20lb turkey, to sleeping in, to doing homework together, brushing Simba's hair, Korean dinner, watching Advent Children, lunch with my was relaxing to be ourselves again, and enjoy each other's company even tho I didn't get to see my cousins, or my grandma. But the Lord has blessed me with a wealth of loving friendships that I treasure, and it really is one of His amazing gifts to us.

Came back in on Sunday night...and had Thanksgiving dinner with da roomies. Thanks cors for helping me chop up our 10lb turkey (to cook in pieces) that failed to cook in the oven. I'll have to ask my mom where I went wrong on that one. :o( Reminds me of my first attempt at a homemade pumpkin pie last year....err...yeah. Hope the 2nd time will be the charm...but our crazy oven is unpredictable.

Been thinking more and more about global issues these days. Wanting to be more aware, to learn the different worldviews out there, and wanting justice. I had always been proud to be a Canadian, of our humanitarianistic approach on things. But with the earthquake in Pakistan, our gov't didn't respond very quickly. Why didn't we deploy D.A.R.T. ? Isn't this service here for this very purpose? Rapid-response, eh? I'm realizing that Canada may not be so altruistic after all.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Choco-meter: slightly above normal (had 7 oreos, 3 homestyle brownies bites, and fudgsicle fury ice cream yesterday...and already started the day off with Nesquik cereal....mmm :o)

The last couple of days including the weekend was just what I needed. It was great seeing Art, and hanging out with him...since we never did after I finished high school. It's a blessing to see that we can always pick up where we left off, and don't even miss a beat. And having him enjoy the beauty and community feel of Western is a great reminder of how lucky I am to be here.

ACF retreat was :o). The first message given by Stephen spoke to me deeply...and from then went from good to amazing. More on that later. heheh. But yeah, I'm totally out of my slump now...and though the situation may never change...I will accept it, and learn from it...persevere, and continue to hope in the Lord.

Free screening of some movie called Domino tomorrow night! With Keira Knightly I think.