Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Choco-meter: slightly above normal (had 7 oreos, 3 homestyle brownies bites, and fudgsicle fury ice cream yesterday...and already started the day off with Nesquik cereal....mmm :o)

The last couple of days including the weekend was just what I needed. It was great seeing Art, and hanging out with him...since we never did after I finished high school. It's a blessing to see that we can always pick up where we left off, and don't even miss a beat. And having him enjoy the beauty and community feel of Western is a great reminder of how lucky I am to be here.

ACF retreat was :o). The first message given by Stephen spoke to me deeply...and from then on...it went from good to amazing. More on that later. heheh. But yeah, I'm totally out of my slump now...and though the situation may never change...I will accept it, and learn from it...persevere, and continue to hope in the Lord.

Free screening of some movie called Domino tomorrow night! With Keira Knightly I think.