Monday, October 31, 2005

crunchy leaves gives me the munchies

Crisp, cool fall. Past 4 days has been pretty crazy.tired.blessed.biochem. ACF was really something else...the sharings, the worship, the prayers...the Holy Spirit was moving. I can't remember the last time we ended at mid-night! As tired as I was, I didn't want to leave...God is good. And this is just the beginning.

Lots of alumni came back...missed them...but good catching up with Cindy, Vicky, Chris, and meeting Clem! Really sweet, open, friendly gal to have around for the weekend.

Good weekend. Church. softball...I can't believe we're still winning. hahhaha...Through the Roof at night. Amazing Egyptian speaker (Majed El Shafie) that spoke of the grace, forgiveness, and compassion amidst persecution, pain, torment suffered for his love for Jesus. 200 million Christians worldwide are being persecuted, 80% in moslem nations. First step to help...prayer.

It's Nov. and you know what that means...keke...chocolate appreciation month! suhweet....*drool* Plus, come visit me in L-dot month...heeheh.

School is taking its toll on me...I thought 4th yr would be easy...just like 3rd yr. Oi. silly moi. How much higher do I need to pull my socks up? rrrrrrip!

I can see the fingerprints of God when I look at you.