Tuesday, October 11, 2005

It's splendorful...

Heeheheh...that's my new made up word to describe the church that Kelvin and Karen picked to have their wedding ceremony. It's an Anglican church, but they'll allow them to have Arthur officiate the wedding. It's really amazing...well, from what they tell me, and from my taking the virtual tour. Oh yeah, it's also the church that was featured in Kelly Clarkson's music video "Behind These Hazel Eyes". The one where she's wearing a wedding gown in the church, and rolling in mud or something. lol...don't be like her Karen. ;o) I never imagined my sister's wedding to be this grand, and splendorful...but it's exciting, and I'm glad to be a part of it.

Thanksgiving has come and gone, and I really enjoyed the times I had with my family and friends...from finishing a 20lb turkey, to sleeping in, to doing homework together, brushing Simba's hair, Korean dinner, watching Advent Children, lunch with my ladies...it was relaxing to be ourselves again, and enjoy each other's company even tho I didn't get to see my cousins, or my grandma. But the Lord has blessed me with a wealth of loving friendships that I treasure, and it really is one of His amazing gifts to us.

Came back in on Sunday night...and had Thanksgiving dinner with da roomies. Thanks cors for helping me chop up our 10lb turkey (to cook in pieces) that failed to cook in the oven. I'll have to ask my mom where I went wrong on that one. :o( Reminds me of my first attempt at a homemade pumpkin pie last year....err...yeah. Hope the 2nd time will be the charm...but our crazy oven is unpredictable.

Been thinking more and more about global issues these days. Wanting to be more aware, to learn the different worldviews out there, and wanting justice. I had always been proud to be a Canadian, of our humanitarianistic approach on things. But with the earthquake in Pakistan, our gov't didn't respond very quickly. Why didn't we deploy D.A.R.T. ? Isn't this service here for this very purpose? Rapid-response, eh? I'm realizing that Canada may not be so altruistic after all.