Friday, March 31, 2006

How lovely on the mountains
Are the feet of him who brings good news,
Who announces peace
And brings good news of happiness,
Who announces salvation,
And says to Zion, "Your God reigns!"

Isaiah 52:7

God has been getting me to a place where I can say 'yes' to the things He wants to impart onto my life. I don't hear a specific calling just yet...but He's beginning to show me a glimpse of what could be in store for me. To be prepared to respond when He says "Go".
"My child, are you willing to go if I ask you to go?" Yes. I want to be able to follow You without reservation.
"Are you willing to trust that I will fulfill all that has been promised? Are you willing to sacrifice the Isaacs in your life?" Your grace and Spirit...yes.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

a loooong day....

Sigh...this is what I woke up've got an 8:30 class, then rush to Weldon to cram for my last mid-term....then off to practicing for a group presentation tomorrow, and doing a final edit for a big group essay also due tomorrow. Editing takes soooo long. Plus, my members have left me with 14 pages of fragmented ideas and sentences that lack coherance....I've got to cut it down to 9 pages, and write a conclusion. It seems to me that they're not taking time to try to write well, knowing that I will fix it up in the end. I'm the best writer in this group? How can that be?! I totally suck at writing! oi... I want to pull my hair out! hahha...if only I looked good as a bald chick. There's an idea...

Haven't been sleeping much either this past week....when I'm not doing work, I'm up till 4...when I am doing work, I'm up till 2. Luckily, I've won 1 free coffee in 5 tries so far....c'mon plasma T.V. ;P Sleep hasn't been restful either....I'm getting all these vivid dreams, Simba keeps walking around my bed, and getting into my leg space, and SCB always texts me late, and so my phone beeps every 5 minutes....until I crawl out of bed to turn it off. Can't wait till this day is over...tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya're only a day awayyyyy.

Wow...I found out recently that my english tutor in high school is now an ACS and Geography prof here at Western. She's got a Ph.D in english too. Diana had such a strong academic influence on me. She's the reason I did well in OAC Eng. Maybe I should invite her out to coffee and get her to edit my paper. hahahah....a girl can dream, can't she?

Looking forward to days of rest...and Jessica's visit this weekend. yay.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Tension resolved.'s crazy and amazing how transformed we are when we let the Spirit work in our lives. A friend whom I've doubted in for so long, really took me by surprise yesterday, when he finally broke the barrier between us and talked about things that have bothered him this past while. We both apologized and realize that God's love DOES conquer all, and covers a multitude of sins. It's so freeing to forgive and be forgiven! And the things that we suddenly were able to share with one another, was soo cool...cuz even though you know a truth in your heart...verbalizing it is a whole other story. :D

He IS able!'ll be time to move out of Summit in seven short weeks. Can't believe it's been 3 years in this brown townhouse we call home. So sad...I really have a hard time saying good-bye. But good to know the Summit legacy will continue. ;P

Saturday, March 11, 2006

I don't remember the last time I've posted real issues on my heart. But that's just me...I do a good job of hiding it, and struggling with it on my own. Be it pride, or just just works that way. I found His peace that I've been longing for, and my heart will praise Him and be glad. Something that I've learned over the course of time is that it is likely someone else feels what you feel. By sharing it, it can save a lot of heartache and inner frustrations. The Lord has exposed the evil that was still present in my heart, as I battled through my thoughts, trying to not doubt ppl's motives, intentions. It really does no good to dwell on what has happened...but look instead to what can happen, and how the Lord will work through our present trials.

"There is never any need to pretend that your life is filled with joy and confidence; just wait upon God and be grounded in Him (Isaiah 50:10-11 ). Do I trust at all in the flesh? Or have I learned to go beyond all confidence in myself and other people of God? Do I trust in books and prayers or other joys in my life? Or have I placed my confidence in God Himself, not in His blessings? "I am Almighty God . . ."— El-Shaddai, the All-Powerful God. The reason we are all being disciplined is that we will know God is real. As soon as God becomes real to us, people pale by comparison, becoming shadows of reality. Nothing that other saints do or say can ever upset the one who is built on God.
Oswald Chambers

My joy is in knowing that my God is unchanging. His love is real, the Holy Spirit transforms lives, and we are free! So claim the freedom and victory we have in Jesus, and rest in His will.

Monday, March 06, 2006

heaven on earth....can't get enough of this ocean view...standing on warm white sand. more pix to come Posted by Picasa of the 4 pools at Club Amigo...and we are literally 200m from Guardalavaca beach! Posted by Picasa

sunset beach pose in Cuba...minus cho Posted by Picasa

thank you girls for all your love and hard work. *muah!* Posted by Picasa

jess and I. gotta love how you capture simba so beautifully! Posted by Picasa

Surprise b-day party for jus and I Posted by Picasa