Tuesday, March 21, 2006

a loooong day....

Sigh...this is what I woke up thinking...man...I've got an 8:30 class, then rush to Weldon to cram for my last mid-term....then off to practicing for a group presentation tomorrow, and doing a final edit for a big group essay also due tomorrow. Editing takes soooo long. Plus, my members have left me with 14 pages of fragmented ideas and sentences that lack coherance....I've got to cut it down to 9 pages, and write a conclusion. It seems to me that they're not taking time to try to write well, knowing that I will fix it up in the end. I'm the best writer in this group? How can that be?! I totally suck at writing! oi... I want to pull my hair out! hahha...if only I looked good as a bald chick. There's an idea...

Haven't been sleeping much either this past week....when I'm not doing work, I'm up till 4...when I am doing work, I'm up till 2. Luckily, I've won 1 free coffee in 5 tries so far....c'mon plasma T.V. ;P Sleep hasn't been restful either....I'm getting all these vivid dreams, Simba keeps walking around my bed, and getting into my leg space, and SCB always texts me late, and so my phone beeps every 5 minutes....until I crawl out of bed to turn it off. Can't wait till this day is over...tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya tomorrow...you're only a day awayyyyy.

Wow...I found out recently that my english tutor in high school is now an ACS and Geography prof here at Western. She's got a Ph.D in english too. Diana had such a strong academic influence on me. She's the reason I did well in OAC Eng. Maybe I should invite her out to coffee and get her to edit my paper. hahahah....a girl can dream, can't she?

Looking forward to days of rest...and Jessica's visit this weekend. yay.