Thursday, December 15, 2005

my biochem prof taught us a great song to help us study...heheh.. (sing to the tune of "The Flintstones")...thought I'd share it with you all. Histones btw is a crazy protein that binds our crazy long DNA together, in those nice lil' crazy chromosome packages. CRAZY! lol...I've seriously gone...Yaba-daba-doo!

Histones! Meet the histones!
They're a basic protein family
There are just 4 subtypes
They're conserved evoluntionarilyyy...

Two each of each histone do their thing.
Forming just like beads upon a string.
H1 binds the complex
And it inhibits new transcription
And the creation...of new mRNA!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

20 reasons why finals are the best time of the school year. I'm serious! :o)

-get to sleep in till 9 am every day!
-get to see/study/hang out with friends don't normally see in class
-more time to cook and eat together (mmm..butter chicken)
-studying is totally conducive to snacking all day long! but no more choc :(
-get to distract Cora for once. lol
-get to hear Lil talk to herself...I mean, study aloud
-more time to house visit
-more time to watch cheesy stress goes up, taste for good entertainment goes down
-waking up to fresh, new snow on most days!
-hilarious study breaks, ie. game of silent twister at 1 am
-fun in the snow...err, more like getting snowjobbed.
-random outbreaks of sing-a-longs, and carolling :o)
-getting hugs and kisses from Jessica!
-more chances to getting revenge on the boys
-shopping for Christmas presents
-making Christmas presents
-morning time and solitude with God
-more random acts of kindness
-feeling the love and excitement as Christmas approaches

Best of luck on your exams and finals peeps...

Friday, December 09, 2005

My first final starts tomorrow...yay...can't wait to get the ball rolling. Guess who's been eating lunch at the Spoke everyday this week? lol...I can't help it...there's a different lunch special deal EVERYDAY! Mon. was the chili dog, I paid regular price for a sub on tues., wed. was the 2 for 1 curried chicken rice, thurs. - 2 for 1 meatball sub...and fri.- 2 for 1 personal pizzas. Very yummy, and cool to eat with different ppl at lunch.

I wish I could pen down everything that has been's hard. God has been showing some things to me...and knowing it does not make it easier to deal with. What's been really encouraging is seeing the passion and fire in those around me....those being BOLD and declaring Jesus' name! Hallelujah...oh, another praise item..."chow shoon" is this girl I met in China...she almost died on the operating table in May from a thyroid surgery, but the Lord spared her, and I got to watch her recupe for a week...and I just got news that both her and her parents, and sister have all accepted Christ! PTL!