Saturday, December 10, 2005

20 reasons why finals are the best time of the school year. I'm serious! :o)

-get to sleep in till 9 am every day!
-get to see/study/hang out with friends don't normally see in class
-more time to cook and eat together (mmm..butter chicken)
-studying is totally conducive to snacking all day long! but no more choc :(
-get to distract Cora for once. lol
-get to hear Lil talk to herself...I mean, study aloud
-more time to house visit
-more time to watch cheesy stress goes up, taste for good entertainment goes down
-waking up to fresh, new snow on most days!
-hilarious study breaks, ie. game of silent twister at 1 am
-fun in the snow...err, more like getting snowjobbed.
-random outbreaks of sing-a-longs, and carolling :o)
-getting hugs and kisses from Jessica!
-more chances to getting revenge on the boys
-shopping for Christmas presents
-making Christmas presents
-morning time and solitude with God
-more random acts of kindness
-feeling the love and excitement as Christmas approaches

Best of luck on your exams and finals peeps...