Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Blessed is the name of the Lord!

I'm back in HK safe and sound... :o) This past little while in China has been "WOW". Praise the Lord! I am amazed at how awesome and faithful He is. God is so GOOD! :D There's been many incredible experiences, things I got to do and be a part of that I wouldn't have a chance back at home. He's opened my eyes, given me so much joy and grace, and is expanding my heart.

Thank you to everyone for your prayers, encouragement, and support. I really felt His hand of protection, and I realize the importance and significance we each have in the body of Christ.

I'll try to share more in the coming days...especially when I get back to T.O. and have my pix uploaded and stuff. Two more weeks and I'll be home...can't wait! heehehe. you know you miss home when random ppl on the street reminds you of friends/loved ones back home. :o) Take care y'alls!

Thursday, May 05, 2005

It's my 3rd day here in HK, and to be perfectly honest, I feel uncomfortable, out of place, and wondering to myself how the Lord can use me in China next week when I am already struggling to love the people here, and especially my relatives. Hong Kong is a very unique place that breeds all sorts of things. I'm not surprised by the heat, the traffic or the crowds of people, but I guess it's their mentality and as someone puts it, view of humanity that I am trying not to let it bother me or discourage me. Perhaps this week is to prepare me for what is to come, to lose my naivety, and take up wisdom and discernment that the Lord gives.

Take my life and let it be...

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Mixed emotions

Wow...since school ended last tues., these past couple of days have been absolutely wonderful! "As You Like It" was so much fun... thank YOU! It's one of Shakespeare's comedies, but comtemporized with Barenaked Ladies music and a 60's style/setting. Lol...so the umbrellas are NOT for acoustic effect. :o)

Had time to see more ppl than expected. Good quality times. I feel so blessed and lucked out to be surrouded by loved ones, friends and family. Makes me kind of sad going away, knowing how much I will miss you guys, but at the same time looking forward to coming back to some awesome times of fellowship, get-togethers, and weddings too! Summer is just warming up, there's hope and joy abound. So I bid you all farewell till I return in mid-June. Know that I will be holding you in my heart and praying for the body and for those bros+sistas going out on missions as well! :o) *wave*