Wednesday, June 25, 2003

Guess who's blogging at work? heheh, well I'm on my lunch break actually. =) The day goes by quickly at the library. I doing a lot of paperwork, and decorating, preparing for the Summer Reading Club starting this week. I enjoy this work, cause you don't need to think! head hurts when I tink 2 much. lol.
My lil sister is graduating from grade 8 I gotta rush home at 5pm to do/set her hair....gosh, she's so tall now, almost my height, and still's kinda different having to share everything with her, clothes, shoes, make-up, hair-stuff, my room etc. Actually, it's more like me sharing my stuff with her. This takes getting used to.

Friday, June 20, 2003

What a crazy Thurs. I greyhounded back from London, and was bombarded with calls and msgs along the way from many ppl. It turns ouf that the library HIRED me for the summer reading program Co-ordinator! Before all the calls and msgs came, I was enjoying the scenery on the 401, thinking to myself, realizing how lucky I am, and concluded that no matter what happens to me this summer, the Lord's name will be praised. = D excited. =P I want to thank everyone for your prayers and support. It's amazing how the Lord showers us with blessings at the perfect timing. I still have a final to write on Monday, and then I start work full-time on Tues. Heehhe, I had been worried before, fearing that once school was over, I'd be an unemployed, unproductive couch potato. Thank God that's not what He had in mind for me. = )

Wednesday, June 18, 2003

Wow. My days in London are so different from life in T.O. I feel very lazy and unproductive just going to 1 class a day, and being done school before noon. There's no T.V. here, so what do I do with all my time? I've recently endulged myself in anime series like Fruits Basket, Full Moon, Naruto, and I'll soon be starting on SaiKano (She, the Ultimate Weapon). Heehhe, yes, I might be hooked. Another great discovery is that at, they have daily video clips of the Martha Stewart Living TV show. Hurray! For me, that's the best thing since sliced bread.

Monday, June 16, 2003

What a weekend. *sigh* Very tired and exhausted from all the activities. Came home Friday to go to an interview, then worship team practice, then fellowship. Saturday was my grandma's funeral. I think it went smoothly, but lots of emotions. I realize their are so many formalities that I never knew about. Sunday was Father's Day, and we had a scrumptious meal of teppanyaki. = D Came back to London, and watched Bill + Ted's Excellent Adventure (for the 100th time), and The Hours with my roommates.
I don't recommend seeing The Hours, it was very dark, and disturbing looking at the life and books written by Virginia Wolf. She was a author who hid her homosexuality, but had a husband, and was mentally unstable. She committed suicide by drowning in a river. I thought this movie was a mystery or suspense, but it wasn't. Watching this movie leaves you with an unsettling feeling, like why this woman saw life in such a way etc. And I personally don't think Nicole Kidman should have won an Oscar for that performance.

Friday, June 13, 2003

Must see movie: Finding Nemo
I saw this movie last night, and it was AWESOME! = D I would rate it above Monsters Inc. for sure......Can't really compare it with Shrek because it was like the prototype. Finding Nemo was such a heartwarming, hilarious, and exciting story about a father clown fish and his son. You'll laugh, you'll cry, then you'll laugh again. The CG is impeccable.

Monday, June 09, 2003

A while ago I was having a conversation with a friend, we came across the topic of sin, and the significance of sin in our Christian lives. One interpretation was that every time we sin, we're recrucifying Christ again. As if Christ dying once for all our sins wasn't enough. Cause if it was, our lives should be changed, dead to our old selves, and our old ways of sin. This metaphor sounds very severe. But it's definitely something to think about. Another friend thinks that when we sin as Christians, it is a remnant, almost like a reflex of our old selves. Like a bad habit that we need to get rid of.

Thursday, June 05, 2003

There are so many cute anime roommates and I finished watching this one called 'Fruits Basket'. So sad, so sweet, so sentimental. I realize that all Japanese Anime are alike; they all try to trigger basic human emotions. This is the theme song to 'Fruits Basket'.

I was so happy when you smiled at me
With a smile that melts away everything

Spring is still far away
And the earth seems dead and cold
I wait knowing that nature's beauty will come again

Even though today is painful
And yesterday's wounds remain
I still open up my heart in faith
My past cannot be rewritten
But I can grow and change

Let's stay together forever...

Sunday, June 01, 2003

The Lord is my shepherd; I have everything I need.
He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams.
He renews my strength
He guides me along right paths, bringing honour to his name.

Even when I walk through the dark valley of death, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me.
Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.

You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies.
You welcome me as a guest, anointing my head with oil.
My cup overflows with blessings.
Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life,
and I will live in the house of the Lord forever.

To my grandma (ma-ma) who passed away yesterday at the age of 87.