Friday, June 20, 2003

What a crazy Thurs. I greyhounded back from London, and was bombarded with calls and msgs along the way from many ppl. It turns ouf that the library HIRED me for the summer reading program Co-ordinator! Before all the calls and msgs came, I was enjoying the scenery on the 401, thinking to myself, realizing how lucky I am, and concluded that no matter what happens to me this summer, the Lord's name will be praised. = D excited. =P I want to thank everyone for your prayers and support. It's amazing how the Lord showers us with blessings at the perfect timing. I still have a final to write on Monday, and then I start work full-time on Tues. Heehhe, I had been worried before, fearing that once school was over, I'd be an unemployed, unproductive couch potato. Thank God that's not what He had in mind for me. = )