Monday, April 30, 2007

The end has come...a new beginning?

My five years of undergrad has come and gone. What a bittersweet feeling. It's nice getting that pat on the back every once in while, and see to the end of something. But it was so sad saying good-bye. I thought I would so be ready...I didn't even feel nostalgic this past week. But when I attended my last P& HIT me. The greatest blessing the Lord granted me at Western is the pure love of God shown through P&Rs and the group of brothers and sister that surround me. I understood that feeling Roger spoke of before...I didn't want to leave, and in that moment of worship, the sweet fellowship with the Spirit, I couldn't have asked for more. Many hugs and tearful good-byes later, my dad and I had to leave London. I don't know what to expect at home this summer. But I take the hope, joy, and the love that has been so freely given to me wherever I go.

I'm thankful for your fellowship
thankful for your partnership
thankful for the love we share in Jesus Christ
thankful for the joy we've known
thankful for the way we've grown
I thank God each time I think of you!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The final nail is in the coffin, so to speak. It's so good to have things put to rest. Praise the Lord for allowing me to see and realize the truth of the matter. I never have to go back again. It is done! Freedom is what the Lord wants to give each of us. Freedom from ourselves, our old man, our sin, our constant wavering of faith. You have to be willing to have that one foot plucked out of this world, cause you can't be in two places at once. And you certainly cannot serve two masters.

Isaiah 43:18-19
Do not call to mind the former things, or ponder things of the past. Behold, I will do something new, now it spring forth; will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.

oh, how I want to be aware and see these new things!

Monday, April 09, 2007

phlegm city...

other than that, it is well. Whilst at lunch with my family Easter weekend, but sister told me something from my childhood that I had forgotten. If I could have one supernatural power (like in Heroes) would be Nathan Petrelli's hands down. I always wanted to fly....I know it's not as beneficial as others, but I can imagine the sheer exhilaration each time going "up, up and away!"
I love it too when I have flying dreams. So I was in a discussion of the Holy Spirit with my sister, and she said she remembers us as kids playing in our driveway...I would take a broomstick...sit on it and say "if I have the faith of a mustard seed...I know I can fly" lol...but I was dead serious. I always thought, why NOT fly? If faith can move mountains... hehe. It was just funny to be reminded of the childhood days....good thing I didn't have a thing for witches.

I've been learning a lot about myself recently...and the best advice I've been given is: be yourself. Though I definitely need to change be more aware of things. Thanks for the loving reminders. :)

I'm itching to sit out on my balcony....spring please come!