Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Final Frontier

ACF retreat this past weekend was AMAZING! I don't really have words to describe it...but with it being my 10th and final retreat. It will be one of the most memorable. The Lord moved in such a clear and direct way....that so many of us were left in awe of the power of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit filled us as we experienced healing, gifts, and even prophecy. PTL! Pastor Phil addressed so wonderfully how we need to be balanced Christians. So in respect to being conservative or charismatic, we are to have a balance of both! (to have the fruits of the Spirit, and also the giftings of the Spirit). In women's cell last night, the experience con't...as we stood and proclaimed the ground that had been gained in terms of Kingdom work, and refused to retreat backwords. Let's press on!

As God moved so evidently this past weekend, I see how the devil is never far behind to spoil it. For sure we're targets, but we fight from the side of victory...hallelujah! I am ready to fight, and do what He asks of me these last 3 months at Western. I just want to encourage you all to stand up and be active in Kingdom stuff...there's no time like the present, and He wants each one of us to be a part of it.

An analogy that I came up with in relation to the Kingdom of God is CampusRec. Many many students come each year to validate their membership at the gym....but only a few are active members that come and exercise regulary. All the rest that came that one time and never showed up again are indeed members...but they don't participate. Just like in God's Kingdom, many 'validate' their membership in the Kingdom (accept Christ, gain salvation)... it means they do belong to God, but they are not active in His Kingdom. Just because you're in, doesn't mean you're doing anything...and it may be some are rendered useless by sin, the things of this world, but the saddest part is missing out of the action. Let's move!