Wednesday, October 25, 2006

whilst surfing the net at work...I found another plus to be a travelling Cdn.
South Korea assigns travel visas, and Canada is the ONLY one for 180 days upon landing. The rest of the world is stuck with 90, 60, or 30 days like the U.S. keke. Not that I can or should spend 180 days there...but it's nice to be welcomed to.
Girls, is this a sign or what??? tired...just wrote 2 mid-terms. Biochem in essay format...that's just evil! In a nice 20 mark question, I got to detail what insulin does in the body after eating. I was able to only list out 8 main points/ errr...let's restate what I said in other ways. Oi. Essays in my mind don't help develop good skills, because I find myself stretching stuff I know and bs-ing the rest of the way. What's the point in that? Give me multiple multiple choice any day! well, maybe not today... ;P