Saturday, September 16, 2006

Interesting course-load I have this term. Time to roll up those sleeves! *sniff*

Level 2 Chinese ~ I dun understand what my prof is saying half the time. Mostly guesswork, and mad character practicing every night before I sleep.

Biochem 471 ~ disguised as a nutrition course. Liar! Why I can never escape chem is beyond me. Prof says exams will be in essay style. *gulp*

Clinical 2 ~ most interesting course this year. But must get 80% to advance to clin 3...which internship placements would like us to have.

Clinical Psych ~ easy course, just lots of participation needed.

Research Methods 401 ~ like a thesis. One project worth 100%. I'm finding writing a thesis about a research project (without actually doing one) is incredibly boring.

Well, I'm diving in! *sigh*