Saturday, September 23, 2006

30 Days: Muslim Prayer Focus

Tonight's the eve before Ramadan. There are over 800 million Muslims that practice the Islamic faith and observe this holy month. What can we do as Christians who wants to see God move in these nations? How can we serve our Muslim friends and neighbours? World Christian and YWAM has created a booklet of a 30-day prayer guide, that helps us gain a greater understanding of the Islamic world, God's activities among the Muslims, and gives us the opportunity to pray for Muslims before the thone of God.

These next 30 days, devout Muslims will be fasting, praying, getting in tune with their spirituality. Perfect time for intercession. :o)

Let's pray for the fulfillment of Rev. 7:9 After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could count, from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb...

This booklet is available online: so I encourage you to read up on understanding Islam, what Muslims believe, and commit on praying for these nations, and especially those around you!
I'm excited to see what the Lord may do this Ramadan. <--- Go here!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Interesting course-load I have this term. Time to roll up those sleeves! *sniff*

Level 2 Chinese ~ I dun understand what my prof is saying half the time. Mostly guesswork, and mad character practicing every night before I sleep.

Biochem 471 ~ disguised as a nutrition course. Liar! Why I can never escape chem is beyond me. Prof says exams will be in essay style. *gulp*

Clinical 2 ~ most interesting course this year. But must get 80% to advance to clin 3...which internship placements would like us to have.

Clinical Psych ~ easy course, just lots of participation needed.

Research Methods 401 ~ like a thesis. One project worth 100%. I'm finding writing a thesis about a research project (without actually doing one) is incredibly boring.

Well, I'm diving in! *sigh*

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

work is quiet tonight...I'm sitting at the Annex watching Friends reruns, and surfing the NBC site. Yup, classes and meetings are hectic, but the Annex shifts really lets one catch up on R&R. :P

Check out Dwight Schrute's blog....LOL... oh dear my stomach. That is all. :D
Dwight's Blog

Monday, September 11, 2006

Photo post of karen&kelvin's wedding

cheers! underagers. heehe. Posted by Picasa

cheers mommies and daddies! Posted by Picasa

yuk yuks with karen and hol Posted by Picasa

Grace Church on the Hill. bird's eye view... Posted by Picasa

my sis and new brother-in-law. *photos courtesy of dan trinh* Posted by Picasa

Friday, September 01, 2006

summary of campus rec training week:
~paid fully for all training, activities, socials
~10 hrs of in-class training
~5 hrs on-job training
~weeklong lunches provided (so yummy)
~paid social activities and games in afternoon and night
~activities include: bowling, glo-in-the-dark mini-golf, go-karts, driving range, BBQ, capture-the-flag, photo scavenger hunt
~the amazing race...I almost collasped from sheer exhaustion because every group member must participate and complete each task...but nonetheless, my team finished our 12 stations (swimming in thames pool, soccer at brescia fields, dance routine in studio, weights in varsity training room, 2 miles each at the Annex, etc.) such a rush.
~now that we're all friends, work is gonna be fun!

so long hambies...miss you already. It's hard to bid your best friend farewell especially if the date of return is unknown.