Tuesday, August 08, 2006


summer's wrapping up nicely, and ending off great. Three weeks left before I head back to L-dot, and lots to do till then. Very busy, but the good kind. hehe. :o) Looking forward to mariah concert, Spamalot for mom's b-day, church summer camp with P+R as our speakers (yay!), last weeks of work and volunteer, and my sister's wedding in 4 days. (double yay!) What's funny is that my mom tells me the other day..."you have to stop eating fried foods and chocolate, cuz you're breaking out and you'll look blotchy for K+K's wedding"...I'm like, "good! I'm doing it as a service for my dear sister. The worse I look, the better she will." haha. thanks for the comeback jojo!

Art's sermon this sunday was good. Not that it usually isn't, but this one stuck with me. The message was about how Jesus addresses anger, and a really good point made was how we love to hold onto our anger, feeling as if we had a right to, entitled to the pain, hurt and negative emotions from being wronged in some way. (matt 5:21-16) Jesus speaks severely of our anger towards others (calling someone 'Raca' which translates to fool, idiot, moron, even the f-word endangers us to the fires of hell). The tongue is so evil, we praise God with it, and use it also to curse man. When we demoralize another person by name-calling, we strip them of dignity, and ridicule God's image. Anger is so hard to get rid of though...cuz pain is remembered most vividly in our brain. Try to think back to happy memories...it's extremely fuzzy for me, as I tend to forget most things. But pain, and anger can be recalled and brought back so incredibly fast. I can think of the ppl that have hurt me, and remember the emotions still. If we are reconciled with God, we have to be reconciled with those around. My family was able to do that with each other this week. As the 5 of us piled onto lunch together one last time, with Grace at the wheel (starting to learn to drive with G1), I'm not scared to allow myself be driven by someone who mixes up the brake and gas pedal...cuz I've made my peace! haha.