Friday, July 14, 2006


A 25 y.o. patient swore at me yesterday. At first I was taken aback, as I was only sitting there and trying to strike up a conversation with her before assessing her. She was with her social worker, who kindly told me that it's her psychosis talking. Whew. I pondered to myself for a moment, as slews of profanity rang on. Wow...everything she says is negated, so she's has complete liberty to express all those random thoughts in her head. I'd like to be able to do that somedays. heheh...then I had to negate my own crazy thoughts and get back to business.

My mandarin is abominable. Seriously. Ask my cat Nala. I'm still stuck in the level 1 coursepak. Which I know I must get under my belt before taking level 2 in sept. *gulp* She sleeps next to me on the couch...and I often practice vocab while she's there. My 'j, q, x, z, c, s' sounds are so hard on her ears that she yelps every time she hears it in a sentence. lol. Then I stop and let her sleep again, and proceed to read on. Her yelping continues as I butcher my mother tongue. She gets up this time, head butts me, and jumps off the couch. It's hilarious. I continue to torture her till she runs away at least 3 mornings a week. In other kitty news. Roly-poly Simba is doing well. We both take glucosamine for our joint pains, and now Sim can sprint up the stairs faster than me. That's quite a feat for my morbidly obese baby. Have a great weekend!

Simba's favourite "come rub ma belly woman!" pose. picture courtesy of jesse. Posted by Picasa