Tuesday, July 11, 2006

good-bye to you...

enough lies. enough fabrications.
The mob mentality is a terrible human condition where reasoning is lost. Jealousy and an evil tongue is the cause of all this. There is nothing left to do in the face of evil, but be silent. Time will reveal the truth. Jesus will redeem us, and God will justify every wrong. I believe God's still in control, and He will bring some good out of all this. We just have to deal with the pain, void, and hurt right now...If any of you are reading this, I hope with all my heart that you come before God; if you still claim His lordship over your lives...and ask Him if we are pleasing Him or not. I do miss you, but there is no point in trying if you want nothing to do with me. so good-bye.
*no need to comment...I'm just helping myself put some finality to this*