Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Asking God the age-old question: "why?"

I just finished Elizabeth Elliot's book "On asking God Why". This was a great belated gift from Dorcas, and it was a blessing to read. Many a times, God does things we do not understand, and we're faced with suffering, pain, loss, hurt, rejection, death, confusion etc. I often fail to see the bigger picture, and become stuck in a moment like a frog trapped in the bottom of a well. My vision is narrow, and my perception of the world is skewed. The question "why" is very important, because the word itself presupposes purpose. Purpose presupposes intelligence, and so somebody is responsible. Who better to ask than God?

Lately, I've found myself to be asking why I'm being led around in the wilderness. What a waste of time, and there's no purpose at all except for my suffering....yadda I thought. I fail to see what's ahead of me, but time and time again, He whispers His peace to me, and I know I'm surrounded by His grace, even though I may be running around in circles. E. Elliot offers many insights on trusting God, and that is how we please Him in every circumstance. For in Romans 14:23 says "...whatever is not from faith is sin." I'm reminded now that God invites his children to lay our questions before him, because in him we'll find the answers we need. PTL. :o)