Friday, June 02, 2006

its not a coincidence

Something really cool happened when I was doing devos last night. This has happened on occasion, but I love it how God just brings things together and stuff make sense and finally click. I've been trying to read through the Bible in NASB since I've been given one. I read 3 different passages everytime, from 3 different points. So I started at Genesis, Psalm, and Romans. These 3 starting points were picked simply because I wanted to read 'em again. So last night, I read Numbers 22, of the misadventures of Balaam and his talking donkey. Then I read Proverbs 26, and what stuck out to me was the simile of a fool that repeats folly is like a dog returning to its vomit.

I didn't really know how to incorporate this lesson and wisdom I went on to reading the Book of 2nd Peter....lo and behold in chapter 2...Peter writes his warnings of false prophets, in my mind, Sunday Christians, pretend believers, or real believers that turn back to living in sin. What's so awesome about chapter 2 of 2nd Peter then? It's cuz he talks about Balaam AND the dog proverb! That's insane....what are the chances of me stumbling upon 2nd Peter right after reading Numbers and Proverbs? And its not like these events were significant enough to be mentioned more than twice and together in the NT. So yeah...really delved into the truths and wisdom in 2nd Peter. Check it out...*points to you*