Monday, February 13, 2006

I dunno why I haven't been into updating this blog...partly cuz I've been journaling instead. Writing down thoughts on paper seems like a much better outlet for me these days. Thank God that I got through my 40 day no-meat fast...and looking back...He's really been gracious, in answering prayers, working through others, and revealing things in my heart that I need to deal with. So I can say that I got what I expected from it, and more.

I went home for 24 hrs this past weekend, as it was 'all about Karen' day on Sat. Wedding gown picking can be fun, yet tedious, long-and drawn out...and lots of girly-ness. I now believe in the multiple-girl syndrome as well, where a close bunch of girls will behave inappropriately, crazily when given the right circumstance and in the name of fun. Spending over 2 hrs watching Karen try on over 20 gowns gave us that chance. lol...."hands in my bra...hands in my bra..." know that insurance song/jingle? It's great....and I've learnt that the corset is awesome, even for going out into the battlefield...I swear that thing's bullet proof. ;o)

Reading week is fast approaching...and it's a die-week for me.....4 mid-terms, plus interviews, and 2 assignments to hand in. I know He'll get me through this, but I don't know how, cuz I feel pretty beaten already. Must abide in His grace. Hopefully we'll be sun bathing in Cuba in a few more days. *sigh*