Monday, February 20, 2006

"The disposition to leave the dearest objects of our hearts in the sublime keeping of the general and unspecific belief that God is now answering our prayers in His own time and way, and in the best manner, involves a present process of inward crucifixion which is obviously unfavorable to the growth and even the existence of the life of self."
Elizabeth Elliot

Show me your way oh Lord...

Monday, February 13, 2006

I dunno why I haven't been into updating this blog...partly cuz I've been journaling instead. Writing down thoughts on paper seems like a much better outlet for me these days. Thank God that I got through my 40 day no-meat fast...and looking back...He's really been gracious, in answering prayers, working through others, and revealing things in my heart that I need to deal with. So I can say that I got what I expected from it, and more.

I went home for 24 hrs this past weekend, as it was 'all about Karen' day on Sat. Wedding gown picking can be fun, yet tedious, long-and drawn out...and lots of girly-ness. I now believe in the multiple-girl syndrome as well, where a close bunch of girls will behave inappropriately, crazily when given the right circumstance and in the name of fun. Spending over 2 hrs watching Karen try on over 20 gowns gave us that chance. lol...."hands in my bra...hands in my bra..." know that insurance song/jingle? It's great....and I've learnt that the corset is awesome, even for going out into the battlefield...I swear that thing's bullet proof. ;o)

Reading week is fast approaching...and it's a die-week for me.....4 mid-terms, plus interviews, and 2 assignments to hand in. I know He'll get me through this, but I don't know how, cuz I feel pretty beaten already. Must abide in His grace. Hopefully we'll be sun bathing in Cuba in a few more days. *sigh*

sketch of our bridesmaid Hazel...inspired by Vera Wang! Posted by Picasa

Simba on the right is currently in London working with health professionals to achieve a healthy weight. He's got loving surrogate mothers, a starvation specialist, and even a personal trainer! Posted by Picasa