Tuesday, August 30, 2005

As sad as I was seeing my family go off to Vancouver without me...attending cousin Billy's wedding and having a good ol' Wong family reunion; I've had a blast so far at home. :o)

Went to Aletheia camp...and it was a wonderful trip. I didn't want to go before, and when I did decide to go, it became a real blessing to share and fellowship with brothers and sisters that I normally wouldn't have been able to. I realize now that there is still a role for me there even tho I'm away 8 months a year. Yay. I'm glad, because I found it really difficult to integrate back into Aletheia this summer. Kinda stuck in a limbo and not fitting in a category. But there are still ways for us offer our support to them, and give our gifts. :o)

Moved some things into London on Sunday, and had a good time with banana and the prince of tennis! ;o)

Went rock-climbing at Rock Oasis on Monday night...and it was so much more intense than my first time! Thanks to my awesome belay buddy Sportacas and chalk. lol....owww.....so painful. As I should have used more of my lower body than my upper. My fingers, forearms throbbed in pain when I tried to sleep...and I almost went for painkillers...hehhe. No worries, I didn't...but sleep refused to come. ;P Got some well earned bruises too...fun times.

Now looking forward to a Niagara road trip with my girls! It's about time...as we've been all talk for who knows how many years now. What a great way to end off this summer.

In other news, the Lord is so faithful in His promises...*grin* Some days I'm scared to check my email, fearing rejection from possible ACF leaders this year...but in those times is when I get a "yes" and it totally makes my day. Can't wait to have things started up in L-dot. YAaaayyyyyyyy! *jumps and throws pom-poms*

P.S. Miss you braceface/gracie-pooh...thanks for the fun days of unemployment I had with you. We were way too cool for work. Be good!