Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Yay....my new template is so pretty...but my lil sis won't let me publish it till I do her a favor......*sigh* I knew it was too good to be true....

Exhausted from work already, and it's not even mid-week. I need a 1hr nap after work everyday before I can do anything else. But camp's been running pretty smoothly. Got 14 kids in my group this time, 3 with ADD....so seating positions are very crucial for a successful lesson/activity. I've got the sweetest lil 7 yr old girl in my group. Her name is Rachel, and I want to work everyday because of her. heheehehe. She's bright, caring, pretty, and smiles incessantly. She loves to ask questions, and help me out. She brought 2 plums for recess today, to give one to me. I was so touched....and she goes on to say in the cutest voice, "be careful when you eat it, cause the peel is a little bit sour, so is the part that's 1 centimetre around the seed." If I had a daughter like her someday.....heheh.....it'd be maternal heaven. lol.

Saturday, August 07, 2004

This new title to my blog is Grace's doing. She tried to teach me html and the things I can do with it. But that was too frustrating for her, cause I'm a computer dud (even having taken a course in Comp Sci last year). So she gave up on me....(hehhe, so sad) and volunteered to make a new template for me sometime soon. Yay!

It's been a fun week off work. Got to go out for lunch with my parents almost daily, painted some gi-normous decoration murals for vbs this coming week, and planned for EQ camp.
I can't believe school starts in a month! Not many weekends left to have fun...
With my older sis away for the weekend, I get a whole car to myself! Wheeeee.......so loving this freedom.

On a random note, pets are amazing....I remember reading in the paper a few weeks back; there was a story on a man who conspired to kill lots of ppl in downtown T.O. by gunning, or planting a bomb. He was just sitting on a park bench one day, and this friendly dog just came up to him and they started playing. In the end, the man was so touched by this loving animal, that he turned himself into the police. Which brings me to think at how important the love of someone, be it a person or animal is. When it comes to my kitties, I know I'm loved and needed by them. :) Sure, they kinda do their own thing, and love to break the rules; but when you call on them, they'll be there in a flash to comfort you, and put a paw on you (like they're listening and sympathizing with you....literally). It's the cutest thing!

Hmm, not really thinking right now...got a softball game today. Luckily, I got to practice with some neighbourhood kids 'round my church yesterday. These 7 year olds really taught us a lesson or two. hehhe. Till next time....sayonara!

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Glory to Your Name

Our stm team had quite a week, prepping for 2 full programs of missions sharing this past Friday and Sunday. It was so nice to all be together again, working on one goal: to testify and proclaim all that the Lord has shone us in Nashville and Atlanta. Lots of newcomers came to the two events, and it was a real blessing for me to be a part of that team. The girls did a 'dryme' (a dance intertwined with sign language) to Sharon's beautiful singing...it really struck a chord in my heart. It was touching even tho I've seen it at least 10x. I can only imagine how inspiring it was for the congregation. They danced to the song "Glory to Your Name."

"Every knee will bow, every tongue confess
that Jesus You are Lord....."

Work this past week was rather enjoyable....hehe. Didn't think I'd feel that after my crazy first week, huh? I was much better prepared, and the kids wanted to learn! We all had a great time at the Ontario Science Centre (for our weekly outing)...fun to see all the exhibits again (it's one of my fav elementary school outing places), kinda nostalgic riding in the yellow school bus again, singing camp songs, and pumping our fists to every trucker we see, hoping he'll toot his horn. Lol....good times.

Softball on sat. was kinda disappointing. We had a double header, but we forfieted both games because we didn't have enough girls to play. Where are the girls on this team? So we played an exhibition game against Socs Sr. with the help of some players on the Miracles. A sticky, humid day for softball.

It was a great weekend nonetheless, because of ACF camping! Tho I went for about 24hrs...it was a much needed getaway for me, and many others....so nice and relaxing. Sitting on the beach, and watching the day go by....such a soothing, and calm setting. Really gave me a peace of mind. Some of us went to the beach again at night, and it was BEAUTIFUL...the moon is out, full and bright, with stars here and there (b/c of partial cloud cover), I sat out by the rocks with T-sa and Jas. The lake was completely still and it reflected the night sky. All you could hear was quiet, and our friends laughing in the distance. Then I remembered what I had last read in C.S. Lewis' "The Screwtape Letters", and how 'Uncle Screwtape (a demon) was advising his nephew Wormwood on dealing with his human subject...

Men are not angered by mere misfortune but by misfortune conceived as injury. And the sense of injury depends on the feeling that a legitimate claim has been denied. The more claims to life, therefore, that your patient can be induced to make, the more often he will feel injured and, as a result, ill-tempered...they will anger him because he regards his time as his own and feels that it is being stolen. Let him have the feeling that he starts each day as the lawful possessor of 24 hrs...confuse him so that he will not see that man can neither make, nor retain, one moment of time; it all comes to him by pure gift...

This vacation time was truly a gift from the everyday. Still learning to give up my rights, and claims to life.