Friday, July 16, 2004

Random tidbits for the day:
good news: Martha Stewart Living stocks rose 33%!
bad news: She's going to jail today for 5 months, and then house confinement for another 5  :(
it's funny: watching my lil sis trying to put on contacts for the first time
tired b/c: sore left shoulder kept me up last night
I'm elated: that I got a big check from the gov't for income tax refund! Woohoo...hehhe.
excited about: my first softball game tomorrow in over 2 weeks
food of the day: fresh lychee...mmmm!
going to: take a prayer walk.....hehe, a walk in the park :D
today's entry is dedicated to Cyn! Hehhe, so you can cyber-stalk me half-way 'round the world.