Sunday, July 11, 2004

Our STM team has arrived back safe and sound from Nashville. The Lord is so good and faithful! I don't know where to begin to describe all that's happened and how the Holy Spirit has been working there and in my heart, but I'll try. ;)

Firstly, I feel like the Lord has taken me to the mountain top and shown me His glory and splendor, and blessings that He has freely given all of us. He's opened my eyes! I'll go on to desribe some of those experiences later on.

Thinking back, there were quite a few things that would have irritated and distracted me on this trip. For example, my sleeping bad was lost in baggage claim in Nashville, but it was the least important belonging, and so I could afford to lose anyways. Plus, how else could I have had the pleasure in letting God provide for me, even something as small and simple as this? Thanks to Janice and Sharon for sharing with me! It was awesome rooming with you girls...hehhehe, 3 girls sleeping on 1 mattress using 2 sleeping bags....hahhahha. I'm usually not a fan of rodents and insects...but there was a good supply of them at the warehouse we housed in. There's cockroaches, junebugs (that love to fly into my face time and time again!), millipede thingies, spiders, rats and mice (which I've only caught a glimpse of, but we've seen their droppings and the food they've raided into). We didn't have hot water to shower in, and the boys got locked in the first day b/c their doorknob fell off (lol!) and tho the warehouse was big, one can tell it wasn't the most comfortable shelter. Surprisingly, I welcomed all these 'changes' in lifestyle, and had a joyous stay there. Attitude is a little something that makes a huge difference...and I'm thankful that I can look past these inconveniences and not forget why I was there in the first place.

The pastors at Provision Intl are amazing. Such humble men that have laid down their crowns in life to serve the Lord by ministering to one of the hardest places possible, inner-city projects. A lost black community that most ppl would avoid b/c of its violence, crimes, drug activity and poverty. There are only 23 fathers present in the 500 families living there. The brokenness is so evident. A man tried to show off his handgun to me one afternoon as we made house-visits. A very scary and shady neighbourhood, but this team would go there daily, showing acts of kindness and love, praying for them, and preaching the Word to them. Pastor Andy said that somedays it feels as tho they're "fighting for a lost cause", and it can be disappointing. But at the end of the day, after they've emptied themselves for these 'lost sheep', the Lord is faithful to restore them physically, and renew them spiritually.

con't tomorrow... :D